I was reading the recent post about "Why are all bowlers fat and stupid?", and I got to wondering ... are bowlers stupid? (Note - stupid and uneducated are different, but for the purpose of a smooth transistion to a new post here, let's assume they're the same.)
How many of the readers here have a college education, or plan to get a college education? If you are degreed, what was your major?
I think that you'll find that more often than not, bowlers are as educated as anyone else.
I'll start the list ... BS in Mech. Engineering, Ohio State; Masters in Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.
How about you?
Added - 4/8/05 - I forgot to add, I'm 5'11", 165#. Love all sports, esp. mountain biking.
Edited on 4/8/2005 9:12 PM