Ok, so for the last two seasons of bowling except for 2 days, I've bowled on nothing but second shift oil....
I joked the other day to a few of the guys on my league that I almost wouldnt know how to play on "fresh" oil lol.....
Last yr we got to bowl on "fresh" oil because the womens league before us was cancelled due to snow, and for the first game and a half, the lanes were unreal! flying backends and very tight at the break point...
Now that I think back to it, I probably should of used a different ball...
But it was almost like the first time I bowled on bad second shift lanes. i didnt know what to do lol....
I just got so acustom to the left overs we would bowl on, in which the lanes are spotty, and tend to hook-set cuz of the carry down, that seeing my ball hook so much was crazy...
Anyone else encounter this issue???
I mean now It wouldnt bother me, but after not bowling for a few yrs, and then getting acustom to the left overs and then having a "splash" of fresh oil it was a trip.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "