I agree, it is annoying. I like the competition aspect of bowling against the other team. When they are not there, it can be either easier or more difficult to focus depending on your personality and competitive spirit.
This happens a lot here. In the last winter sport league I bowled in, it was a singles league and it seemed like about 40% of the time, I was bowling against someone who either had pre-bowled or was going to do a make-up against me. My biggest gripe about that is that the pre-bowls and make-ups are done on a different pair of lanes not used by the league, not the one you are scheduled to bowl on, and sometimes not even the same PBA or sport pattern since they changed patterns every two weeks. So, if the schedule says I was on lanes 1-2, one of the most difficult pairs in our house, if my opponent did not show up, they got to bowl on one of the easiest pairs in the house. I think the pre and post bowls should at least be done on the same pair as scheduled and the same league pattern.