I'm starting to think about what I want to do after I graduate High School (you know, as a summer trip kind of thing) and I was wondering how many of you would be willing to let someone wash pins or do other odd jobs around the alley in return for three games of bowling . . . The reason I want to know is that I am thinking about maybe doing something where I try and bowl in as many of the states as possible . . . Taking an old RV of some sort, and a friend or 2, and then going and driving from alley to alley . . . In return for allowing us to bowl I was thinking of maybe making a website that gave a short write-up of each alley with some pictures and a rating of some sort (maybe like the 1-10 pins review?) that did a bit of advertising for the alley . . . Or, since if I have an RV it will probably be an old beater (there is one for sale here in town) and maybe we could paint the alley's name, address, and phone number on it or something . . .
LMK how many of you would possibly be interested in doing this . . . It's 2 more years, but I'd like to see if it's a feasible idea.
Bowl. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
A member of www.bowlinballexchange.com, www.ballreviews.com, and www.bowlingballreviews.com . . . Check out the others!
"Insert Ball Manufacturer here" Amateur Staff Member wanna-be.
Edited on 6/18/2005 8:16 PM