Was bowling last night and these 2 old
codgers were talking about bowling and golf.
One codger says to the other codger:
You know I think I would rather play golf than bowl.
2nd codger says whys that??
1st codger says if you do everything right in golf
you know you are going to hit the ball well.
2nd codger says hows that???
1st codger says well take my bowling. If I execute and deliver
a good ball to the pocket 6 times out of 10 I am going to
leave a single pin to shoot at. And if I hit a good golf ball 10 out
of 10 times the ball is going to fly straight, or go where it was supposed
to, or do what it was supposed to ALL 10 of those times.
Wheres the reward in bowling???
Just something to think about. bones I know you will have something to add here.
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins