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Author Topic: Bowling Ball Arsenal  (Read 8205 times)


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Bowling Ball Arsenal
« on: October 05, 2021, 06:25:16 AM »
Hi Fellow Bowlers - My question has to do with the bowling ball arsenal.  How do you stack rank your arsenal.  Obviously the  question is to bowlers with more than one or two bowling balls.  But the ranking provides a Game Plan on how you would attack a new league night or tournament.  Due to my Gold Coaching Level Studies I have drilled many balls.  My Arsenal Stacking depends on - (1) the bowling lane environment, (2) Low to high RG, (3) Cover Stock and (4) Dual Angle Layout by low to high Drilling Angle.  Your thoughts! Have Fun!  Gold Level Coach ABE Denny     


Jesse James

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Re: Bowling Ball Arsenal
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2021, 11:31:45 PM »
10 balls to league.....

Name shirt too?

Good cardio?

I take 6 and the only one in the bag Im positive on is the spare ball. The other 5 are a shot in the dark. I feel better picking 6 for Nationals then I do with league anymore. The Flex oil machine is more then our center is capable of operating and it seems to be an issues for other places as well

Wow! You too?? Lately our THS league shot has been changing more than a Youtube model's designer clothing haul video! You never know what the hell the shot is gonna look like. That being said, I still just take six balls.

I only take 10 or 11 balls to tournaments. That's way too much work to carry 10 balls to league every other day.

I don't drill my own pieces but I do understand the dual angle method and as such when I  go to my pro shop driller, I ask for layouts in the dual angle terms that he and I understand.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Bowling Ball Arsenal
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2021, 06:50:35 AM »
Hi Bowlers - I bowl in 4 leagues and 4 different centers plus tournaments.  It is surprising the difference between each center.  All are synthetic.  All Leagues - They are supposed to be a fresh oil pattern.  Two of the centers you can see the lanes being oiled. So, which is the best arsenal structure?  I have developed a computer program to allow me to record every game and every ball used.  I than summarize the inputs into various reports.  This routine helps me select the balls for today's arsenal.  My personality is that I always do more than required.  I have fun!  Coach Denny


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Re: Bowling Ball Arsenal
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2021, 08:08:11 AM »
10 balls to league.....

Name shirt too?

Good cardio?

I take 6 and the only one in the bag Im positive on is the spare ball. The other 5 are a shot in the dark. I feel better picking 6 for Nationals then I do with league anymore. The Flex oil machine is more then our center is capable of operating and it seems to be an issues for other places as well

Wow! You too?? Lately our THS league shot has been changing more than a Youtube model's designer clothing haul video! You never know what the hell the shot is gonna look like. That being said, I still just take six balls.

I only take 10 or 11 balls to tournaments. That's way too much work to carry 10 balls to league every other day.

I don't drill my own pieces but I do understand the dual angle method and as such when I  go to my pro shop driller, I ask for layouts in the dual angle terms that he and I understand.

Curious do you know what oil machine they use? The Flex machine has an unbelievable amount of capabilities but I think it is over kill for most places and their employees to maintain.

League shots are very inconsistent from night to night. More then once for different monthly tournaments they have had issues including this past weekend the second squad it oiled but with zero oil in the middle of the lane. The gutters have oil but middle had zero oil. As in you could walk down it safely zero oil. It is always something. After watching Kegel videos about the machine and the up keep I get it. Its too much for most places. 

Ignite your game, and set the lanes on fire.  or @ignite_bowling


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Re: Bowling Ball Arsenal
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2021, 08:31:58 AM »
I oversimplify during league. I take plastic, roll early, roll late and weak cover low flaring (usually entry level) dry lane ball. If I can’t hit the league shot with these 4, it ain’t the ball’s fault.


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Re: Bowling Ball Arsenal
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2021, 10:26:49 AM »
For league play on a house pattern, I take 2 balls (plus my spare ball), an IQ Tour solid and either my Phase 3 or my Idol Synergy, just depends which one I feel like using that day.

For my sport shot league I bring 4 (plus my spare ball), I bring the 3 mentioned above plus my only asymmetric, the Physix.

I use the same drilling on every ball and just play around with surface to adjust ball reaction and it seems to work pretty well for me.  If I had a 10 ball arsenal I would mix in different layouts to get more separation but what I have works well for me 95% of the time.