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Author Topic: Testing Staff  (Read 1218 times)


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Testing Staff
« on: December 16, 2008, 01:16:37 AM »
How does one become a staff tester for a ball company??  I see some of the people on this site who claim to be a tester and don't see a resume worthy of trying out new balls for a company.  I am not trying to put anyone down but I have seen testers who have never hit 700, how much experience does it take to "test" a ball??  But back to my original question, "How do you become a tester for a ball company??"



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Re: Testing Staff
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2008, 09:26:38 AM »
If you're referring to the people that have Visionary Test Staff in their signature, then all you do is buy that right! Anybody can be a Visionary Test Staff member, you just have to buy their package and write a review! It doesn't take any ability just money, not to say that the people the have it in their signature don't have the ability, it's just not a true staff position like with one of the major ball manufacturers. To be on staff you have to submit your bowling resume to the the manufacturer and they fill the open position by their needs and a lot has to do with the area of the country they're trying to get their equipment noticed! It also helps if you work for a pro shop or in the bowling industry and do a lot of bowling in tournaments to get their equipment noticed! Just my $.02, Bruce
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Re: Testing Staff
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2008, 12:21:15 PM »
do you have to throw only Visionary products?


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Re: Testing Staff
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2008, 01:04:32 PM »
Hey tarheel,

To help clarify, there is a difference in the industry between a "tester" and "staff".

A true "tester" is a bowler usually chosen by the person in charge of the company or in R&D. It can come from the President or maybe even the engineer who wants actual feedback of a piece before it hits production.  Most true test balls do not have labels (may be numbered or lettered for identification) and may not even necessarily be the same color of the ball when it is decided that it will hit production.  I used to be a quasi (I say quasi because I don't know how relevant my feedback was, they wouldn't tell us) tester for Columbia where our balls came lettered only so we didn't know what they were and then we had two weeks to submit a written review back to Columbia and how they compared to other releases in the line.  I also had a pro shop owner friend back in Chicago who tested for Faball and he had the only red Nail I ever saw (Nails came out Blue when produced for the consumer).

A "staff" member is a bowler usually chosen again by the person in charge of a company (because it comes out of his budget).  Staff is usually chosen around the premise of sales whether you be a highly skilled bowler, pro shop owner or possess another function that would make you an asset to the company.  There are also various levels of "staff", pro staff, regional staff, amateur, advisory, etc.  

Typical staff contracts are yearly and depending upon the wording or legal agreement, you would be obligated to use that particular company's equipment (Storm/Roto may be different as I see pros switching at times, I may be wrong).  The agreement I remember with Columbia was that I could throw other equipment during competition but could not divulge any information to competitors.

I would "assume" though that you were referring to Visionary to which the guys have already answered.  Hope this helps some...
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Testing Staff
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2008, 01:12:06 PM »
Yeah, that makes sense to me now, I was not aware of the testers who received equipment that was true test equipment(different colors and not actually released yet).  I know my pro shop guy was under contract with Hammer until this year and now is throwing a little of everything.  Are there actually staff members who do no more than league, and local tournament bowling or are they all either pro shop owners or at least regional bowlers(or bigger tournaments).  This is all just out of curiosity, I am not looking for someone to give me free stuff or anything like that, I am just very curious how the whole progression works for some of these people.


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Re: Testing Staff
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 01:59:43 PM »
Are there actually staff members who do no more than league, and local tournament bowling or are they all either pro shop owners or at least regional bowlers(or bigger tournaments).

Yes to all three, usually if they can help in your overall sales.  This is still about business.  Imagine if you owned a ball company, who would you want to have using your product?  It can be the good bowlers, it can be the pro shop or even just the old guy who coaches everyone, almost anything that will help your company make money, right?  Along with this, you'd want good people who are knowledgeable and willing to help others because they are now representing you.

I was lucky to be hand picked by Del Warren (ex-Pres of Track Intl) and Bill Monce back 6-7 yrs ago to work for them as staff and Del had hand picked a very good crew. Brian Pursel (my good friend and mentor) then came into the picture and taught me a ton about the business.

Estimated cost per amateur staff member was around $1300-$1500 a yr (this was in equipment only) so staff better help produce as this starts to add up quick.
Pros have different contracts with money and incentives.  

As every company is typically cutting back on expenses, I see staff positions being reduced as well.  Not sure where this will go, it's a pretty tough business.  Hope this helps explain some...
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Tag Team Coaching - Co-Founder
"El" Presidente of the Legion

Edited on 12/16/2008 7:03 PM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Testing Staff
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2008, 04:27:34 PM »
do you have to throw only Visionary products?



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Re: Testing Staff
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2008, 05:33:21 PM »
This was all very helpful in understanding what it all means.  I always thought I would like to do someghing with my bowling ability but the better I get as a bowler the more I realize I am not that good.  Sure I can score and average 215 to 220 but versatility and actually being good, I am not.