The funny thing about that industry or any other is that they need you to buy the newest and greatest or they go away forever. Back in the day, when balls lasted years and years, game after game, they knew you and 11 million other idiots would be in the center at least once a week for league and probably twice a week for practice.
Then they got smart, and said, Bowling is shrinking. There are fewer and fewer league bowlers every year. And Today: They say, Hey, There are only 3 million idiots who bowl league and we need to make up for the lost sales....Hey if we make balls that quit hooking after 50-100 games and teach them to buy new balls every 3 months, how smart do we look? We still get to sell tons of balls and do not even have to feel guilty about it.
Solution: Find what you like, but more importantly, what works for you, take care of it, work with the dreaded pro shop to make it last as long as you can, and understand that every 200 games, no matter what, you will be buying something else...they have us by the short hairs, peeps...
They just keep selling us new stuff, based on a number of cores and covers and they mix and match them every 3 months to see what you will buy. They are so very, very smart....