Only reason I buy new balls is to replace ones that have worn out or lost reaction, I don't get excited about new stuff because it all acts like the old stuff, everything's just shuffled around. Now, Motiv has a different look than a lot of stuff, and so does DV8, but people have interpreted "different" as "better." Does a ball glowing under a blacklight make it strike more? Not that I can tell. We don't sell ugly balls, plain and simple. The Radical Reax is a really great ball, but it's solid black, how many of those do we sell?
I'm with ArmourBoy and LGD, and especially on the rg and diff. People will come in and get all excited about a ball, and it's hard for us to satisfy their excitement. "What's the best ball in here?" All of them, just depends on what you're wanting it to do. "What hooks the most in here?" All of them, just depends on what condition you're bowling on. "Do they come in any other colors?" White Dots do, and if color is what you're basing your decision on, why are you looking at the performance balls?
Now naturally nobody can say it that way, but that's the underlying point. Every new ball can be compared closely to an older ball, or when somebody says, "Yeah, I had one of those, it was just called a -" they actually aren't far off. The changes they make aren't going to be noticed on the vast majority of house patterns, and the vast majority of bowlers that they're marketing to bowl on house patterns. Or somebody will see a ball on tv and go buy it and think it's going to do the same thing, then they're disappointed when it doesn't. Companies keep shooting balls out because people keep buying them.