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Author Topic: Bowling ball polish?  (Read 6474 times)


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Bowling ball polish?
« on: June 27, 2013, 06:35:17 PM »
   Well boys or girls, i just got my brand new AMF Incinerate today. Wow does this ball look amazing. Very nice black solid cover with blue shimmer specks. This is my first amf ball ever purchased and by the looks of it i will not be disappointed. My question is i want to polish the cover a little but i dont want a full gloss. I was thinking like a rough buff or something of that nature. I still want this piece to be very aggressive in the oil but just need something to get it through the heads a little. Any suggestions or finishing processes would be helpful.

  P.S. i was looking around today and noticed that brunswick had 2 new polishes coming out soon. One was called Brunswick royal polish compound. Its a 2500 grit polish. Just wondering if any staffers have used this or not.



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Re: Bowling ball polish?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 07:51:54 PM »
I wouldn't use polish. Since the ball is finished with a fairly aggressive nEat pad (1500 grit), I would take an "A" pad to it to take it up to 2500 grit.

No polish is "1500" or "2500" or "3500" grit. It has the potential to be xxx grit but then all polishes have that potential. It depends on how abrasive they are, how polish you apply and how hard you press. There are a ton of human variables in addition to variable of the polish itself.

If you follow the BJI ball reviews, you'll see Joe Cerrar measures every ball with a scanner. Almost every polished ball winds up in the 5000 - 5400 grit category. So I would guess that polish is not what you want UNLESS you want a LOT more length and a more backend, in which case, the Incinerate was possibly not what you wanted in the first place.

Try an "A pad first; if that's not enough length, then try a "T" pad.
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Re: Bowling ball polish?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2013, 08:29:15 PM »
    Well honestly i do perfer to throw balls with polish more often than duller balls. I do have quite a bit of hand on it during release. So i dont need alot of surface. I currently have a 900 Global Look , Dirty Look and Hook Blue/Yellow. I figured that if i threw a light coat of polish on this beast it would still be stronger than the Look.
   Also was thinking about 4k w/o polish just to test the waters and see how useable it is with that surface. Any way i look at it box surface is just going to be to strong.
    Mike Devaney threw this ball on a youtube vid supposibly on the 2013 USBC Open shot. It made it look like a burnt up house shot. To my knowledge the ball looked polished in that vid. It seems that Mike polishes every ball he throws for the review vids.


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Re: Bowling ball polish?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2013, 10:00:36 PM »
4000 w/o polish is just short of a medium polish; so it is a decent starting point.

My main point in all this is that a super oiler like this, when polished, kind of changes its whole rasion d'etre. If you tred it and it didn't work like you expected, I can understand looking for surface changes
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