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Author Topic: Bowling begins in 2 weeks, are you pumped? What are your goals in 04-05?  (Read 4458 times)


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Looking so forward to my 2004-2005 season beginning.  Last year was fairly successful and I look to build on that in 04-05.  Last season I had another 800 and 300, won the city title in doubles, both hdcp and scratch.  High average in one of my leagues and some other brick-a-brack to throw on the pile.  Also was fortunate to have a real good Louisville Derby Tournament.  ABC's were not as successful, but I will get that bear eventually.  With all that I have been working on smoothing out the arm swing with less muscle and also trying to cure some early timing issues.  Hopefully what I worked on this Summer will benefit in the tougher settings.

How about you?  In 2003-2004 did you meet your goals?  Are you looking to better last season or stay status quo?

Me I want a 220 composite average in leagues.  I want to throw 12 quality shots a game and reduce the dumb (no concentration) misses significantly.  High average in all my leagues, "hopefully" a City Individual Title.  That will make it a clean sweep.  Team, doubles and singles.




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My goal is simple.  One sanctioned 700.  Then I can say I QUIT!!!  and go straight to curling!

(I probably won't quit, but I'll curl anyway).

White Dot
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My goals are being set higher than usual due to the coaching I have taken this summer. I have almost attained my summer goal of averaging 190. My goals for the winter are to average 200+ and throw my first sanctioned 700.
"Why cant I just throw the ball the same way EVERY TIME??


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I still need to find a league that doesn't mind if a gal bowls well.
My goal is 185 or higher. If I get into a good mixed league I may be able to push the bar higher.
Last year I almost had my first clean evening ever!! That will also be a goal, not one clean game but all three.
Kathy, From PA!
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Loose some weight, no wait that is new years goals.

Actually though, I do need to drop a few because I have a buldging disc
in my back, and I need to take some pressure off of it as well as my knees.

Just finished my first sports shot leagur, so it is time to see if what I learned will work.

Hopefully from the two of them I will be able to achive my ultimate goal of being more consistant.  Due to a few injuries, my approach somewhat suffered
of the past few years. Finished last year with a 187.  My increase in my mental game(thanks to this site) has made up for the decrease in the physical game.  I need to get the physical game back to at least par this year and get my average to the mid 90's again.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member

Jeff The Chef

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This upcoming season will be my first in a mens league and it should be fun as I already know and am friends with a lot of the guys who bowl. I'm not sure if I will bowl one or two leagues, but if I bowl two then I am aiming to have a 195 composite average. Another goal is to shoot any type of sanctioned honor score, as all mine have been in practice so far. This is really pushing it, but I'd also like to shoot a 300 (but that's only if the center decides to put out some decent volumes of oil).


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2003-2004 I reached my goals of avg 205+ (208, 212, & 215) all THS.  

My goals this season are to avg 210+ for all leagues excluding Monday.  Mondays will be my first attempt at a sport shot league (we didn't have a sport league this summer).  I'm going into the Monday league with an open mind and no expectations.  I just want to see how much I have improved over the last few years. Also, I want to pick up 90% of my 10 pins this season.  I was about 80-85% last season.

Yes,,,, this was my first post... I will be adding a profile soon.

Ernie McCracken

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As always, 300/800.
Evolutionary.  Revolutionary.


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my goals for this year are the same as any other year----to try and improve in every aspect of the game. i had a great year last year. my partner and i won the city doubles championship with a record 1498, i averaged 228 in my mens league with a 804 and averaged 224 in my mixed league with a 786. i hope to make adjustments quicker and to stay focused.


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Year before last my goal was to average 210 in two or more houses. Composite was 209.666, but I only averaged over 210 in one house (220). Did shoot 300 during the summer, though. Second high in the local womens association with my 220.
Last year, my goal was to do at least as well as I did the year before. Had 3 standout nights - one 811, one 290, and one 18 in a row string. Compopsite average was 209.33 - but the league I was 220 in 2 years ago was only 206 this year. Got me kicked off the team, too... (that's not a bad thing.) Third high in the local womens association with my 215.
This coming year my goal is to average 225 in at least 2 houses, and finally beat the top woman in the local association for average.
Oh - another 300 and 800 would be great - so that I know that neither was a fluke.
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Re: Bowling begins in 2 weeks, are you pumped? What are your goals in 04-05?
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2004, 04:45:14 PM »
An Eagle.
free agency it is until i get a better offer.   LMAO


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Re: Bowling begins in 2 weeks, are you pumped? What are your goals in 04-05?
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2004, 04:51:00 PM »
to nail every single spare shot (unless it's some weird split) and build a little bit more ball speed.


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Re: Bowling begins in 2 weeks, are you pumped? What are your goals in 04-05?
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2004, 04:51:09 PM »
to nail every single spare shot (unless it's some weird split) and build a little bit more ball speed.

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Bowling begins in 2 weeks, are you pumped? What are your goals in 04-05?
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2004, 09:04:09 PM »
Average 200+
Keep up consistancy of spares
Bowl my first 300 and/or 800
Make some Scratch JBT Finals..
Keep Bowling Well...
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Edited on 8/6/2004 8:59 PM

Edited on 8/7/2004 10:50 AM


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Re: Bowling begins in 2 weeks, are you pumped? What are your goals in 04-05?
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2004, 11:57:08 PM »
I'll keep my goals gutterballs, and no missed single pins spares!!!!
"To bowl or not to bowl that is the question"