My big beef with the head mechanic at one of the 3 centers that I throw the ball at is that he continues to use the crappiest oil that he can get his hands on. Last night for instance, I was bowling on lanes 5 and 6 in a 4 person mixed handicap league. I had no one crossing my shot as I tend to play a little further inside the lane, but lane 6 was a little straighter than 5.. No problem, just a slight adjustment to the line.. Get into game 2, and all of the sudden, the shot on lane 6 starts to fall apart.. I'm not talking about throw a heavy hit and move.. I finished the 2nd game with a big split on that lane, and turned around the start of the 3rd game making a 3-2 move. Again I went through the nose, so I moved 2-1 the next shot over there. Through the nose.. Move again.. Nose. Getting the picture? The conditioner that they're using is so poor that once it starts to go away, in the event that you DO find the pocket, you should just COUNT on moving the next frame.