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Author Topic: Bowling Clubs  (Read 1876 times)


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Bowling Clubs
« on: September 06, 2004, 05:08:23 AM »
I often hear the story how a team isn't coming back because they simply cannot find that 5th person to fill the team, or maybe they are missing 2 bowlers.  I am trying to start a sport league here in the Flint, MI area, and it's not looking too good.

So my idea for the sport league is to advertise a "sport bowling club" that will meet every monday between 7pm and 9:30pm.  Anybody can drop it whenever they want.  Perhaps we will just practice and help each other learn on the tough patterns.  Perhaps we will offer pot games.  Perhaps we will have different people come in and do seminars for us every once in a while.  Perhaps we will do all of these things!

I think something like this for beginning bowlers would work well too.  Rather than tossing them into a league right away, perhaps getting them going with some instruction and education in a format where they can drop in whenever they want is the way to go.  I know bowling center proprietors love their 32 week commitments, but isn't some better than none?

I think the bowling world is asking people to fit their lives around the rules that we have in place.  Maybe the bowling world should fit their offerings more around the people so that bowling can be convenient for more people.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"



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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2004, 01:28:21 PM »
That idea would FLY with me.
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2004, 01:32:38 PM »
Sounds like you have thought of a great idea!


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2004, 01:34:12 PM »
You may want to try an idea like this:
Of course keep in mind that adapting it to your needs would need to be done. Basically it is an "Individual League", and we have "regulars" and "substitutes". ("Subs" pay a slightly higher weekly fee, but are not committed to a whole "season", sort of like a "walk-on").
Every few weeks a different PBA pattern was laid down. "Cuts" announced after each game (usually about 3-4 frames into next game).
Brackets, pots were also held.
This draws 75 plus top bowlers every week in the summer, including top PBA members!
Just a thought.
The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone The worlds fastest firemen in the origional Xtreme Games
24 is not my age, IQ, or bowling average, but my firematic number, at least I think that what it is - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2004, 02:10:17 PM »
MTFD .. had to look at that for a while before it HIT HOME! Apparently it's a 12 week league .. $25 per week cost and last two week have to be paid before the 10th week. Difference is there is WEEKLY PAYOFFS instead of END OF SEASON!

I wonder how this works when there are FEWER members? Although there maybe 64 total suppose only 30 show up one week .. do they still pay 16 positions?

It is VERY INTERESTING and I like the weekly payoffs! I see some people might get discouraged after 4 weeks if the SAME PEOPLE reach the top! What have you witnessed .. do the same people collect the majority of weeks?

ON EDIT: I also notice it's SCRATCH .. almost sure that SAME PEOPLE will wind up on CASH LIST!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

Edited on 9/6/2004 2:06 PM
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2004, 02:20:37 PM »
For a summer "league" there were never less than 70 bowlers, usually closer to 90! And despite having Brad Angelo, Tom Baker, Joe Ciccone, Liz Johnson, Jack Jurek, Mike Neuman, and quite a few other TOP bowlers, there was only 2 repeat weekly winners, so 10 different winners! The total prize list had a loooong list of names, since the top 16 each week at least doubled their money.

I had been in this Shootout for about 4-5 years (missed this summer due to heart attack), and have been greatly impressed with it. Not only the format, getting to know other top bowlers, receiving tips from them, and playing TOUGH conditions. Ask Brian Green from here

As I stated, there could be a lot of room to "adapt" this format. We did try a 2 tiered format, Scratch/Handicap, but there were never many wanting the handicapped, so it only lasted one summer.

I would be glad to answer any questions.

Good Luck to all, and carry those corners!
The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone The worlds fastest firemen in the origional Xtreme Games
24 is not my age, IQ, or bowling average, but my firematic number, at least I think that what it is

Edited on 9/6/2004 2:21 PM - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2004, 02:56:00 PM »
MTFD .. still interested .. clarification .. it's the same bowlers for the 12 week period .. if someone collects one week they DOUBLE that weeks costs .. agree! My question was: do the same people collect the majority of weeks? .. You said the top prize was won only twice by the same bowler .. again it would be discouraging for the remaining 50 bowlers if the 16 prizes were being split by the 90% of the same bowlers each week. I think this .. because in most LEAGUES you find that leaders in SERIES are usually the same group of people each week.

Sounds to me that this is a good spot for someone to make their RENT money!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2004, 03:03:16 PM »
Very nice sweeper league there, MTFD.

It was actually Sawbones that had the idea a while ago of making everything pot bowling.  So I thought of a compromise of his idea to fit the problems we are having today recruiting and keeping more bowlers.  I still think the league should be the basic form of bowling competition during the week, and for mixed leagues on weekends.  But I think this Bowling Club idea should also be offered for those who cannot quite commit to a regular league but still want to compete!

I think the club could be formed in so many ways depending on who is in the club and what they want.  We could do half hour of practice with instruction and pointers, and then go into a sweeper format.  Or we could hold a sweeper at the end of every week with instruction and practice on the other 3 weeks.  We'd just have to see what sort of people come out, and fit it to their needs.

What a great way to get a new bowler assimilated into competitive bowling!

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2004, 04:06:51 PM »
Well to answer Joe's question on winners, the best to my "old timer's" recollection, there were 10 different 1st place winners, with Liz Johnson ending with high average, 220 plus. Jack Jurek took most money (approximately $1,400.00), and of course Bakes and Angelo were high up on the prize lists too.

But if you look at the monies won over the 12 weeks, there were somewhere around 50 different names. Between the 60 some "weekly regulars" and the  additional "substitutes", that means probably 2 out of 3 bowlers at least made something over the 12 weeks.

Now if you made the top 16 on a given week, you received $50.00, or double that weeks entry fee. Plus any additional brackets, pots, etc.

With the shot changing ever few weeks, and it is a PBA shot on wood lanes, that lends itself to favoring different styles, equipment, etc. So it helps "spread the wealth" so to speak too.

Although there are so many talented, and competitive bowlers, they are all very helpful to one another. The experience that I've gained over the past 4-5 years is priceless. Especially the one summer crossing pairs between Brad Angelo and his wife on my left, and Bakes on my right. Both are amazing individuals, helpful, knowledgable, and friendly.

The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone The worlds fastest firemen in the origional Xtreme Games
24 is not my age, IQ, or bowling average, but my firematic number, at least I think that what it is - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2004, 04:16:46 PM »
Thanks for taking the time .. like the weekly payoffs .. in order to keep it WORTH WHILE .. there would have to be a way to eliminate the same bowlers picking up a check each week. Maybe have partners where partners are assigned  in some random method. Otherwise I like the approach! Thanks again! Incidentally .. I don't expect that the HIGH ROLLERS would stick around with that approach!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2004, 04:35:07 PM »
Of course you would expect the likes of an Angelo or Bakes to be on the high end of the payouts, there were MANY times these bowlers did not make the top 16 even. So, it keeps it interesting. And not all the "big guns" are there every week due to commitments elsewhere.

Lots of bowlers just want to see IF they can "keep up with the Big Boys", and enjoy the friendly but competitive bowling on a TOUGH shot.

This is on Tuesdays, and on Wednesdays there is another one almsot identical at another house 10-15 minutes away! They draw over 60 bowlers a week as well, and some are the same as on Tuesdays, and some different. So it does seem that there is a "niche" for this type of "league".

We need a BR Gathering here in the Buffalo/Niagara Falls area next summer, and have the members join as a "sub".  

The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone The worlds fastest firemen in the origional Xtreme Games
24 is not my age, IQ, or bowling average, but my firematic number, at least I think that what it is - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world


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Re: Bowling Clubs
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2004, 07:20:31 PM »
I'm down with that!  I see that league is on a Tuesday.  We have a PBA sweeper on Tuesdays out here in the summer that has been going on for years.  Perhaps for one week we can bump it to Thursday out here and get a bunch of the PBA sweeper bowlers to come out and bowl in your league as "subs".  Then perhaps you and the bowlers in your league can come out here and bowl in my sport tournament that we hold in August in the same center that hosts the PBA sweepers.

I bet we could try to get 20 people or so if we plan it way ahead of time, and maybe even more.  The center out here is in the Flint area which is about an hour from the bridge in Sarnia/Port Huron.  I've been told Buffalo is only about 5 or 6 hours from here at the most.

What do ya think?

p.s.  Perhaps weekend sport tournaments would work best in both areas.  Let me know.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"