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Author Topic: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!  (Read 7764 times)


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« on: January 26, 2009, 07:40:19 AM »
We at are looking to branch out and to help our customers in every way possible.  Many of our competitors currently offer drilling to their customers and we would like your thoughts on us doing the same thing with a twist.
It seems to us that you often get better drilling quality if you go to a local proshop and have a professional measure and drill your ball on the spot than if you send in a sheet with measurements.  Proshops have the unique ability to see the bowler in action and to decide what needs to be done to a ball based on these observations.  So here is our question, Would Proshops be willing to work with on drilling?
One possibility we see is that we could have Proshops around the country sign up through our site.  If a person in that proshop's area orders through us, we could offer to have the bowling ball sent to the local proshop for drilling.  In return, the proshop would allow us to advertise to the customer that they would take $5 off of the drilling fee. Bowling.Com would not collect the money for drilling and the discount would be directly to the consumer from the proshop.  This could generate some good advertisement for proshops and also guarantee they get a customer for drilling.  This is something we are thinking about but wanted to get your ideas.  We feel like this would be a win win for our site and for proshops.  Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Scott Pinkston



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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2009, 01:34:52 PM »
JLS, I am in a unique situation where I own a Pro Shop on my own and I back a local high volume Pro Shop with product....

I also am backing several other small shops out of state who have been troubled by the economy as well as the distributors.

I am in the process of POSSIBLY opening up a 2nd location on my own as well as 2 others in a neighboring state.

The bottom line is this...I buy volume and alot of it.

I can get some stuff for good pricing that I wasnt able to obtain before....the only reason I am going to the lengths that I am is because I have a wife with expensive tastes and 2 children and maybe  a 3rd one on the way who are gonna need to be educated at the highest level in order to survive after my wife and I pass away.

They lost my business and they will not get it back.

If they go under and have a fire sale...I will make sure Im there to buy product for dirt cheap...When Bowlmaster shut down a couple of years ago, I did the same thing.

Good points.  Now if you were buyong 2700 balls from Classic a year at lets say an average cost of $90 per ball,  that comes to,  lets see, carry the one, about $243,000.00.  And that is just in ball sales.  When you throw in shoes and bags and misc. items.  why that could easily be $350K to $400K a year.

That is a lot of business for a dist. lose!!!!!

If more and more pro shops like you, started doing this,  These dist. that front online dealers might get the message.

Nice job Mike,  keep up the good work.


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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2009, 01:59:37 PM »
Hi Scott, not sure if you remember me but I met you and an associate briefly at Ebonite in Kentucky last year.  Bob Reid introduced us when he called in all the e-tailers for a meeting.

Objective response: You're about 2+ years behind (figured you knew) ..and I don't believe they ask the shops to give up part of their profit either.  So asking for your local shop to sacrifice part of their income does not make sense unless you can "guarantee" an "x" amount of additional customers or that your volume is so much higher then your competitors.

Are you going to validate which shop is a quality shop or are you taking every Tom, Dick and Harry that signs up?  This could backfire on you even if you have the clause of "recommended shops are not affiliated with us" but in a customer's mind, they got that name from your website.

Non-objective response: I have to agree with the other shop owners (mike300,jls,mikeaustin,laufaye etc..) here in regards to what the online dealers (and the distributors that supply them) have done to pro shop owners.  I also do not fault the consumer, "everyone" is always trying to save money.

I actually think the e-tailers could have made more for far less work if they didn't compete in the manner which they did.  By lowering pricing the way you guys did, you devalued the product and reduced the equity in which it held.

It's pushed me out of my location of 11yrs to work from home but I'm lucky I do a good job, offer good customer service and knowledge that my customers have followed me.  I'm still debating if it's a good move or not to go back into a center and try this again, not sure so long as I have to compete against the net.

*Rant On* Just checked a site and they have a 2 ball roller selling for $2 under my cost and THAT'S shipped! sheesh! You guys have taken away balls, bags, shoes...what else is left? *Rant off*  and now you want me to give up $5 "more" dollars? (Okay..rant off now)

Sorry Scott, I don't think so.  A majority of bowlers have their drillers picked out in their local areas already, so if this is for newbies or first timers, how many new bowlers are we talking about?  USBC memberships are showing that hasn't grown so what is the overall cost benefit to me?  

side note: jls, I'm proud of you...I thought you'd be all over this as soon as it was posted...  or we're just getting
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Tag Team Coaching - Co-Founder
"El" Presidente of the Legion

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Co-Founder - Tag Team Coaching
"El" Presidente of the Legion


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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #48 on: January 29, 2009, 02:02:30 PM »
Thanks again everyone for the comments.  We are looking through all the suggestions to try and see what we can work with.  

One of the important things to customers is convenience and customer service.  We are hoping this can increase both.  If you can think of anything else that would make it more convenient let us know.  Also, just a reminder, this is not set in stone on how we are going to approach this.  The original post was just our first thoughts to get the ball rolling and see what you like and dont like.  We are still open for input on how we can make this work for the best interest of everyone ( customer, proshops, and us )

Scott Pinkston


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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #49 on: January 29, 2009, 02:44:49 PM »
Hi Scott, not sure if you remember me but I met you and an associate briefly at Ebonite in Kentucky last year.  Bob Reid introduced us when he called in all the e-tailers for a meeting.

Objective response: You're about 2+ years behind (figured you knew) ..and I don't believe they ask the shops to give up part of their profit either.  So asking for your local shop to sacrifice part of their income does not make sense unless you can "guarantee" an "x" amount of additional customers or that your volume is so much higher then your competitors.

Are you going to validate which shop is a quality shop or are you taking every Tom, Dick and Harry that signs up?  This could backfire on you even if you have the clause of "recommended shops are not affiliated with us" but in a customer's mind, they got that name from your website.

Non-objective response: I have to agree with the other shop owners (mike300,jls,mikeaustin,laufaye etc..) here in regards to what the online dealers (and the distributors that supply them) have done to pro shop owners.  I also do not fault the consumer, "everyone" is always trying to save money.

I actually think the e-tailers could have made more for far less work if they didn't compete in the manner which they did.  By lowering pricing the way you guys did, you devalued the product and reduced the equity in which it held.

It's pushed me out of my location of 11yrs to work from home but I'm lucky I do a good job, offer good customer service and knowledge that my customers have followed me.  I'm still debating if it's a good move or not to go back into a center and try this again, not sure so long as I have to compete against the net.

*Rant On* Just checked a site and they have a 2 ball roller selling for $2 under my cost and THAT'S shipped! sheesh! You guys have taken away balls, bags, shoes...what else is left? *Rant off*  and now you want me to give up $5 "more" dollars? (Okay..rant off now)

Sorry Scott, I don't think so.  A majority of bowlers have their drillers picked out in their local areas already, so if this is for newbies or first timers, how many new bowlers are we talking about?  USBC memberships are showing that hasn't grown so what is the overall cost benefit to me?  

side note: jls, I'm proud of you...I thought you'd be all over this as soon as it was posted...  or we're just getting
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Tag Team Coaching - Co-Founder
"El" Presidente of the Legion

Tenpinspro,  At first I decided to stay out of this one.  I wanted to see what other pro shops thought about his offer.  Then a few people IM me and asked what I thought or why I had not posted.  Then after reading Mike's post,  I thought I should post and show some support for what Mike was saying.

Now I never dealt with these people.  I have been with my dist. for probably over 20 years now.  Maybe longer.  But since Mike has dealt with them, and pretty much confirmed much of what some of us pro shops have been saying.  I thought I should respond.

Bottom line here.  I have nothing against any dist. selling balls to online shops or pro shops.  I was one of the first to ask Global to sell thru dist.
All us pro shops are saying is this.  If a dist.  poses or fronts a online site.  Then of course he has a major price advantage.  He is selling to himself.  What if Ford decided to open a car dealership.  They would be selling their cars to themselves,  thus they could sell them for a much lower price then all of their dealers could.  That just ain't fair or right or honest.

One pro shop posted that he lost money on the case of Motion's he bought, because of $99 price online.  Now I don't know what he paid. maybe he bought the deal at $422 or maybe he just bought 4 at about $132.  But he said he had to buy $300-$400 worth to get free freight.  But anyone can buy just 1 ball at $99 and get free freight.

So here is a classic example of a pro shop having to buy more to get the price and free freight, and yet, he still ends up paying more then Joe F, or Duke H.
if they were to buy just 1 ball.

Now Mike has shown the guts to speak out, and on this site of wan a bee's, that is not a easy thing to do.  You will get bashed by the geek squad.
There are bowlers, and then there are those that just bowl.
Bowlers for the most part have and show some respect towards pro shops.  Those that just bowl, want everything for nothing.

Sad but true

"getting old

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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #50 on: January 29, 2009, 03:01:32 PM »
JLS, your points are very much agreed upon by me.

Lets say the Distrib buys 500 Virtual Gravity various weights from Storm.

Using a round number...lets say they pay $95.00 per ball.

They sell them to the pro shops for $125-$135 depending on what price level your shop is.

You then see them sell the same balls thru their fronts for $119 Free Shipping....of course that burns me up.

Why should the bowler be able to pick them up for that price which is lower than you or I pay?

The Pro Shops are the people supporting the distrib at trade shows at the start of the year and we are spending HUGE money at these shows.

I understand that the distrib wants to unload product because they are kinda held hostage by the manufacturers who make them order certain quantities to get price breaks.

The distrib doesnt want to be stuck with merchandise on their floor because it is dead money until it they move it thru ebay or distributor front websites...I understand this as order to make money and keep the cash flow going you have to turn your inventory. I dont fault them for wanting to move the product.

Why dont they give the opportunity to the Pro Shops to move it at those prices?

R they greedy?

R they desperate to move the product because they know they are operating at a dangerous level close to closing?

I know several things about some of the Distributor/Online Retail sites.

I know things about Ace and another bowling etail site...I know a ex employee of Bowlers Paradise who filled me in on alot of things.

I know some of the pricing these people were paying for things and it is astonishing.

I know how a few of their operations were working at least from 2006-07 bowling season.

Its really sad but it has forced me to grow as a person and as a business.

Bottomline business you adapt or you get passed by....I have adapted and will continue to adapt.

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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #51 on: January 29, 2009, 03:01:54 PM »
JLS, your points are very much agreed upon by me.

Lets say the Distrib buys 500 Virtual Gravity various weights from Storm.

Using a round number...lets say they pay $95.00 per ball.

They sell them to the pro shops for $125-$135 depending on what price level your shop is.

You then see them sell the same balls thru their fronts for $119 Free Shipping....of course that burns me up.

Why should the bowler be able to pick them up for that price which is lower than you or I pay?

The Pro Shops are the people supporting the distrib at trade shows at the start of the year and we are spending HUGE money at these shows.

I understand that the distrib wants to unload product because they are kinda held hostage by the manufacturers who make them order certain quantities to get price breaks.

The distrib doesnt want to be stuck with merchandise on their floor because it is dead money until it they move it thru ebay or distributor front websites...I understand this as order to make money and keep the cash flow going you have to turn your inventory. I dont fault them for wanting to move the product.

Why dont they give the opportunity to the Pro Shops to move it at those prices?

R they greedy?

R they desperate to move the product because they know they are operating at a dangerous level close to closing?

I know several things about some of the Distributor/Online Retail sites.

I know things about Ace and another bowling etail site...I know a ex employee of Bowlers Paradise who filled me in on alot of things.

I know some of the pricing these people were paying for things and it is astonishing.

I know how a few of their operations were working at least from 2006-07 bowling season.

Its really sad but it has forced me to grow as a person and as a business.

Bottomline business you adapt or you get passed by....I have adapted and will continue to adapt.


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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2009, 03:45:30 PM »
From a consumers perspective, I see very little opportunity here for the proshops. Even if I were to buy from (I don't because it's not healthy for bowling overall and the B&M Proshops in particular), I certainly wouldn't be swayed by $5.00 to go to a new driller. The profile would most likely have to be the brand new bowler wanting to dive into the sport, and that demographic is miniscule at best.

This 'offer' reminds me of the parable of the Turtle that agrees to carry a Scorpion across the river. It didn't turn out too well for the Turtle, and I'm not sure the B&M proshop operators would do much better.


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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #53 on: January 30, 2009, 05:06:18 AM »
This sounds an awful lot like's Pro Shop Locator.  We already let proshops advertise their proshop on our site for free.

We have many customers that use this to find a shop in their local area.

There is a link to register your pro shop right on that page.

John Congdon
Chief Technical Office


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Re: INTERESTED in working with Proshops!
« Reply #54 on: January 30, 2009, 08:12:04 AM »
Yes, we would be interested.  PM me if this ever gets off the ground.
Who needs a 300 or 800, when I have a 294 and a 295!?!?!