Hi Scott, not sure if you remember me but I met you and an associate briefly at Ebonite in Kentucky last year. Bob Reid introduced us when he called in all the e-tailers for a meeting.
Objective response: You're about 2+ years behind (figured you knew)
http://www.bowlingball.com/find-a-pro-shop.php ..and I don't believe they ask the shops to give up part of their profit either. So asking for your local shop to sacrifice part of their income does not make sense unless you can "guarantee" an "x" amount of additional customers or that your volume is so much higher then your competitors.
Are you going to validate which shop is a quality shop or are you taking every Tom, Dick and Harry that signs up? This could backfire on you even if you have the clause of "recommended shops are not affiliated with us" but in a customer's mind, they got that name from your website.
Non-objective response: I have to agree with the other shop owners (mike300,jls,mikeaustin,laufaye etc..) here in regards to what the online dealers (and the distributors that supply them) have done to pro shop owners. I also do not fault the consumer, "everyone" is always trying to save money.
I actually think the e-tailers could have made more for far less work if they didn't compete in the manner which they did. By lowering pricing the way you guys did, you devalued the product and reduced the equity in which it held.
It's pushed me out of my location of 11yrs to work from home but I'm lucky I do a good job, offer good customer service and knowledge that my customers have followed me. I'm still debating if it's a good move or not to go back into a center and try this again, not sure so long as I have to compete against the net.
*Rant On* Just checked a site and they have a 2 ball roller selling for $2 under my cost and THAT'S shipped! sheesh! You guys have taken away balls, bags, shoes...what else is left? *Rant off* and now you want me to give up $5 "more" dollars? (Okay..rant off now)
Sorry Scott, I don't think so. A majority of bowlers have their drillers picked out in their local areas already, so if this is for newbies or first timers, how many new bowlers are we talking about? USBC memberships are showing that hasn't grown so what is the overall cost benefit to me?
side note: jls, I'm proud of you...I thought you'd be all over this as soon as it was posted...

or we're just getting old...lol
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Tag Team Coaching - Co-Founder
"El" Presidente of the Legion