So the feeling you "need" a drink vs. just wanting a drink doesn't have negative life consequences?
Your definition of an alcohol problem sounds a little to clinical.
First, define "need". When most people say that they're really saying "Strongly prefers" or "Is a crab ass unless he gets".
No, needing a drink doesn't make you an alcoholic....unless your drinking causes negative outcomes and you do it anyway.
Needing an aspirin doesn't make you an aspirin addict, it means you're strongly desiring one for a desired outcome...that in and of itself does not equate addiction. It's the habitual action of taking it that results in problems, and your continuing to do this action that would land you in my office.
Not just needing something. We all have "needs" for getting through the day, that run the gamut of dependency, so it's not worthwhile to say the need is the addiction because need varies, and so does outcome.
You have to rely on some sort of clinical line.