Here’s my story. I’ve been bowling about 5 years now. Highest average is 205. I don’t really have that many high games or that many low games, just mainly between 18o and 220.
After watching some of the better bowlers in the area I quickly decided not to donate any money to the local scratch tournaments we run around here. I would have to bowl 4 of the highest games of my life just to have a chance of qualifying.
Instead, I bowled a handicap tournament. 80% of 220. I’m cruising along, really having a good day. 212 –225- 230 for a scratch 667, one of my best showings. I ended up with 703 handicap for the 3 games and finished 35th out of 42. Since I’m really not that big of a dummy, I came to the conclusion no sense me trying to compete against all these lucky bowlers.
I decide to get smart an recoup my losses by shooting a 9 pin tournament, after all how hard can it be, I get a lot of 9 pin counts.
Things were looking pretty good, all I saw in the alley were a bunch of old guys signing up, practicing and warming up. None of them could really hook the lane. Piece of cake!!! I got into 10 brackets just for the extra cash.
I shoot a ton, 250 – 250 – 260. Is anyone aware of a peewee or bantam league that would like to pot bowl? Still got a couple of dollars left. Would like to recoup some of my tournament losses. These old guys just do not make any mistakes!!
In a more serious vein, what do you guys do. I’m not good enough to bowl scratch. I’m too good for handicap, I’m not accurate enough for 9 pin.
Wait, I got it, there’s a snakebite tournament, 9s and splits count as strikes. I KNOW I can win that one.