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Author Topic: Games to play while bowling in league.  (Read 39814 times)


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Games to play while bowling in league.
« on: March 06, 2004, 02:33:33 AM »
I have always enjoyed a couple of the 'games' my teams play as we bowl and wondered if anyone else does the same.

We play "pass the five".  Each person on the team puts in three bucks (one for each game) and that five bucks gets passed each time the person holding it has an open frame.  It really does make the guys pay a little more attention to those 'gimme' spares, no one wants to pass the five.

We also play "Coke (or beer) frame".  Last person to throw a strike has to buy for the team...of course that can get into the sixth frame some nights.

Finally the old man-in.  If you are the only person who doesn't throw a strike in any frame that is a man-in.  If you get three of those in any one game, you are on the hook for pizza!  It leads to some big laughs for my team, anyone else?  Any other games?



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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2004, 05:41:22 PM »
we just play pass the five, how do you choose who starts with the money, and where does it get passed to next?
any day bowling is a good day

stikes can win the game but spares can win the tournament


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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2004, 06:13:53 PM »
I would guess it would start with the first bowler up and follow through the rotation of bowlers.

Im just trying to be nice around here.


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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2004, 06:16:48 PM »
We play "Open Frame Contest".  Whoever has the least amount of open frames wins the contest.  If it's a tie for opens, we look at marks, which almost always decides it (since the 10th can have more than one).  It's a good way to get everyone trying to make all their shots.


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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2004, 06:34:40 PM »
Perfecone, it's carried over from week to week.  So the leadoff man would start with it week one, game one.  When he opens, he passes the five to the number two man and so on.  You win the five by marking in the tenth.  Even if you strike and then split in the tenth you keep the five because you marked.  The next game the guy after you in the order would start with it.  If the last bowler (anchor) opens in the tenth, it's a carry-over for the next game...pass the ten!  

The next week, we keep it going.  So, if the third guy in the order won the five in the third game, the fourth bowler starts with it.  If you change the lineup, whoever follows the guy who won the last five the week before starts with it.

Game In a BoxLC

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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2004, 06:47:07 PM »
my team wanted to do every time we miss a spare the team does a shot but we realized the entire team would be dead by the end of the first game and decided against it.
I'm left handed and i've got a ball and a wall.

The forum whore formerly known as leftycrank300/JasonBogeyLC

Squirrel Pudding

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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2004, 08:42:30 PM »
Our beer frame is a different format. 5th frame, person with the lowest count on the first ball loses. Two or more tie, then it goes on until they don't tie. 2nd ball has no bearing.

Then there is the man-in, or hanged man game. If everyone strikes in one frame, and one person doesn't, that person buys a round of drinks.

One that is played in our house that I'm not really a fan of is the 11 game. The lest competive teams, it is just if you get a 111 in the 7th frame, tnen you buy a round. In recent years it has gotten out of hand though and the 11 buys in any frame, as does any other 11 score. 11, 11, 211, 411 series, 511 series, 611 series etc. . .

One team that I sub on has a simple coin game. You get a double, everyone gives you a dime. you get a turkey, everyone gives you a quarter. for everything after that each person gives you $0.50. And every 5th strike pays $0.25 by everyone else.

Then there is another game played that usually involves 5-6 people, often not on the same team, where in the third game, you pay out a dollar to everyone else that gets a strike. I once payed out $27 playing this on an off night for me.


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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2004, 11:54:37 PM »
lmao game in a box good idea... i'll have to suggest that to whoever we're playing next week

Doc Hollywood

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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2004, 09:12:39 AM »
Our league has a lot of games.

We have a first 5 frame poker pot where the first ball counts as a card.  If there is a tie it carries over until there is a loser. 5 of a kind usually wins it.

We have the standard poker pot with cards.

We have a mystery doubles.  Where you get paired up someone else in league by luck of the draw.  Women get handicap men do not.

We have a last game tenth frame pot where it usually takes 3 strikes to win it.  If you tie it carries over until next week.

This is open to the whole league and if you win one you make your money back.

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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2004, 10:59:31 AM »
Doc H -

I love mystery doubles.  It's one of our favorite pot games since everyone has a chance no matter what your average.  We use our third game and it's $5.00 to enter.  Since it's handicap I don't understand why the men in your league are using scratch scores.  Not all men have good averages.  It's no different than match point play where everyone gets a handicap.
LadyW....(aka Wannabe)


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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2004, 02:36:50 PM »
We don't really play any games as a team but the league has mini tournament every week. We play what the league calls  "sweet 16 " during league play. We start with 16 bowlers @ $25 each. Blind draw every game, after 3rd game final 2 stay bowl 1 game for 1 st place. Payout is $200 - 1st, $100 - 2nd, $75 - 3rd, and $25 - 4th.
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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2004, 02:55:09 PM »
we play 'pass the $5' starting with the first open: the $5 goes to the person bowling after the open-tosser.
i don't care who makes it, how much it costs, or how sexy the ball looks. can i carry the 7 and level the deck with a $60 ball?

bring on the Lefty uprising!


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Re: Games to play while bowling in league.
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2004, 10:51:17 AM »
Wow I guess our team is cheap!  We do a couple of games.  Regular poker, where every mark receives a card (which are VERY nice to look at).  double or more gets two cards.  Also put $.25 a man for high game.  Beer frame is 5th, lowest first ball puts $3 in the kitty.  111 in the 7th is a buck, being hung is a buck.  Can only buy one beer frame, be hung once, and 111 once in a night.  The kitty is also kept up with a nickel for a double or a split pick-up, and a dime for turkey or more.  We then split up the kitty at the end of the year by number of games bowled.