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Author Topic: Bowling for score vs. bowling for avg.  (Read 1076 times)


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Bowling for score vs. bowling for avg.
« on: April 11, 2004, 08:04:33 PM »

We are at the end of another bowling season and I find myself asking what went wrong, what was good and what could be better in the future. Upon reflection I have a few questions about bowling for high scores because I’m in a pot or just bowl for an avg and a team win.

Which has the greater impact in a  game?

Which has a greater impact at the end of a season?

Does getting in the pots have an adverse effect sometimes?

My season goals were:
to not shoot a game under 170.
Not to shoot under 540 for series
Avg 195 or better.

I shot 16 games less than 170. 8 more were 180.
 I shot 3 series under 540. 1 was a 483
I did avg 201.

Many of my low games were terrible. 2 of which were under 150. Most of my low games coincided with a loss of a game. When I get in the pots ( I always get in survivor and doubles), I find my attention more focused on getting strings of strikes. This makes me adjust more than I need to.  I will be on a good pace to shoot 190 –210 but I know that I need to shoot 220 to make the cut in survivor and 250 to have a shot at doubles.

So the trouble starts. I change balls, lines, releases and another wise above avg game can be a 180. the real trouble is if I not caring by the 3rd frame. I start over adjusting. Although I have learned that if I’m patient and stay clean then string I will do fine. But if I open in frames 1 thru 3 I know I have to have at least a 4 bagger to win a pot.

I really wonder if  I would have averaged higher by just taking a different approach by not worrying about pots. Would I have made my goals of 170 or better? How many more games would have won if I shot 190 instead of 170?

Overall I don’t think I hurt my team. We won first, third and are going for first tonight. If we win we will also have the most wins overall.

I really re-thinking my process because roll offs will be total pin fall ( with cap) so now going 259 230 160 maybe better than going 201 205 210.

Of course we all try our best but what influence your adjustments? What are good enough, 205? 245? If you’re on a 210 pace, do you worry about getting a 230?

"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny



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Re: Bowling for score vs. bowling for avg.
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2004, 11:33:22 AM »
There is validity in the point that if you’re looking for the big score sometimes you will shoot yourself in foot and shoot a little score.

Say I’m drilling the pocket but I just can’t carry consistently. I can stay there and grind out 190 to 210 or I can change lines, release, and/or balls to try and enhance my carry.

Many times you guess right and get the improved carry. But sometimes what you have is the best you can get for that night and you end up washing out or splitting a couple of times and the next thing you know you’ve shot 150.

Few want to be steady Eddy any more. Most are looking for those big scores.

A lot depends on your expectations. I plan to average 210+ for the year. But I know there will be nights that I just don’t have it. I don’t match up, I’m tired, I’m not feeling well, etc. Those nights you just have to score as well as you can and not give up.

But if I feel I’m throwing the ball well then I will try and make adjustments for the bigger score.

By the way, Goals are good but yours seemed a little out of kilter to me. If my goal was to average 195+, then I personally feel the 540+ for all your series is too high and everyone will shoot the occasional bad game (less than 170). The key on the bad game(s) is to keep them from becoming a bad series.  


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Re: Bowling for score vs. bowling for avg.
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2004, 11:57:46 AM »
I'm having a hard time not reading into your question.  To me it seems like you are asking if you just shouldn't get into pots as you feel they may have influenced your scores due to bad decisions brought on by the pressure of scoring well to make money??

Regardless of being in pots or not isn't it any given bowlers objective to shoot the highest scores they can every given game / set regardless of the situation (leaving out practice)?  I can somewhat understand your thoughts of pots forcing you into harsh decisions, but honestly pressure of any kind can do things like this to you.  Maybe you are the anchor on your team and you feel self pressure to bowl well to carry your team.  Maybe you are in a tournament and you know it's a high scoring environment so you make quick ball changes when your carry goes away.  Honestly there are so many different things that can effect your bowling that the small pressure of pots shouldn't effect you drastically unless you aren't used to dealing with pressure or you dwell on various things to much.  There are a whole lot of mental games that happen while we bowl and no matter what the outside interferences may be, we as bowlers have to stay focused on the job at hand.  

I also feel that bowlers sometimes used pressure or whatever as excuses.  When you don't perform well there is one simple either didn't match up well on the given game / set or your executed poorly.  Either way put the blame on yourself, as no matter what the shot is there will always be people who get ligned up and have figured something out.  Heck...look at the 858 out at nationales!!!  He figured something out, well for that set anyways.


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Re: Bowling for score vs. bowling for avg.
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2004, 11:58:26 AM »
maybe  my goals are wacky. the only real goals I would like to achieve is throw the ball consistently.

for me that would be steady well balnced shots that have all the same timing and produce the same levaerage. I know that  I will not be perfect. speed and revs will vary some what. I will pull a few. I will lose a few and that's ok.

I just don't want 1 ball let go with no follow through. the next one to have my hip close up becuse my timing is a half step different that last time.

my second goal is to:
Concentrate and give spares more of a priority instead of rusing on them. I'm sure I have missed at least half of my spares for this reason alone. the hip closing costs me on ten pins big time and it usually means I pull the ball.

those two goals alone will give me a 210 on a THS.

I should have really said those are more of benchmarks than goals. after taking some lessons and being taught how to read the THS oil pattern. I though that 200 was attainable after I was shown how easy it was.

Now that I figured out what I'm seeing in my league center, It makes more sense to me and I don't see How I can't avg 210 or better if I do just those 2 things.

I thinking that maybe next year I won't get in the pots and concetrate soley on making good shots and let the score take care of itself.

for most part I don't like to donate. and you have to win 1st and few 2nds to break even in survior. done that. but doubles we box the team and we need to win about 9 times to break even. we won about 6.

"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny


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Re: Bowling for score vs. bowling for avg.
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2004, 01:15:37 PM »
Just do the best you can all the time and you'll never end up being disapointed. If someone beats you, then their best was better than your best at the time, but maybe not down the stretch. Never give up.
I think this is probably one of the best ways to sum it up no matter what the situation is.