Wis. Man Sinks Ace, Bowls 300 in 24 Hours
MADISON, Wis. - Paul Hughes is hot these days. The 74-year-old Waunakee man hit a hole-in-one and bowled a perfect 300 game in a 24-hour span earlier this week.
Hughes, a retired heating and plumbing business owner, sank the hole-in-one on the 149-yard fifth hole at the Pleasant View golf course in Middleton Monday afternoon. He bowled the perfect game at Bowling Green lanes in Middleton Tuesday.
"It's a super feeling," Hughes said.
Ted Donker, director of golf operations at Pleasant View, confirmed that Hughes hit the hole-in-one Monday. Terry Knight, the bowling alley's manager, confirmed Hughes bowled the perfect game.
"He's got a hand like Paul Bunyan," Knight said. "He probably cut wood for three hours before he came in and did it."
Hughes is no slouch at either sport. His golf handicap is usually around 11, and he also bowls with a dozen seniors every Tuesday morning at Bowling Green.
He prefers golf because it's an outdoor sport, but he thinks bowling a perfect game is a greater accomplishment.
"You need 12 perfect shots," he said.
Hughes hit a hole-in-one in 2000 and has bowled three other perfect games.
But accomplishing both feats so near each other is rare, though it apparently has been done before. David Howard, 39, of Brookings, S.D., is credited with doing the two in July 2000.
Personally, I think the Ace is much more difficult...but my bowling hanidcap is much lower than my golf handicap.
Good luck & good bowling