Used to take Glucosamine for years. Read an article about it in Consumers Reports, saying there were zero valid studies done confirming its helping with any pain from any cause. I stopped taking it (I have arthritis and bone and tendon problems) and the stopping did nothing. I'd suggest it's a waste of time and money.
Turmeric and other herbs, like cinnamon, are noted and confirmed herbal anti-inflammatories, but you have to be careful of overdosing on them. Too much is bad; do some online researching.
I take ibuprofen (aka Advil, Motrin, but much cheaper) on an irregular basis due to necrotic hip pain, which started in 1988. For a while I took it regularly. I feared some liver or kidney damage; so I reduced my dosage and only take it now when needed. It does work.
Braces for your hand/arm/wrist, like Steel Fingers, will also help tremendously. I had severe tendonitis in my bowling hand, ring finger, 2nd knuckle, at one point in time. I did 3 things:
1. reduced the span of the ring finger by 1/8";
2. Used Steel fingers for about 6 months; I now keep a pair in my bowling bag, all the time, just in case of emergency;
3. I took a dose of ibuprofen (aka Advil, Motrin) 1 hour before bowling and 1 hour after bowling.
I kept the dropped ring finger span; stopped taking the ibuprofen for that pain, which no longer occurs.