For those who know about my arthritic or painful joints on my hands, more on my right... well, I started taking Turmeric supplements:'ve been doing this for almost a week. I take two pills twice a day, not what is recommended on the bottle. Well, I am happy to report that this stuff works!!!
I wake up without pain and I have full function of my hand. Not stiff and painful. I could hold the tooth brush in the mornings! During the day at work, I have no pain at all and my flexibility is back. Driving home, my hand don't go numb from holding or shifting the stick.
Yesterday, I took the 8lbs medical sand bag 8" sq., similar to the training aid sold online, and I was able to cup my hand underneath and take a full swing without pain or dropping the sand bag. Prior to taking the supplements, the bag would fall off my hand due to pain as my swing passed my hips. I could not hold on to it unless I took a short swing.
On Sunday, I bowled 6 or 7 games. Then when I got home, I cut shapes using the scissors for my 3 year daughter. In the past, the base of my thumb would be so painful that I can't use the scissors. My hand would be stiff as well.
I just thought I'd pass this on. I know many use OTC medication for inflammation and pain, maybe this supplement would be a better choice.