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Author Topic: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?  (Read 7191 times)


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Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« on: March 09, 2004, 05:43:10 AM »
Since I have been on this board I have heard how house oil patterns are too easy. How they are setup so bowlers get high scores so they will comeback and want to bowl again, and also how the pattern is setup in such a way that balls will still find there way back to the pocket even on a lousy throw.

With all that in mind, lately when i throw a high game (230-250ish) I don't feel like I have accomplished anything by doing so. I feel that I am not a  good bowler cause after all the lanes are oiled in such a way as to help bowlers achieve higher scores.

If I were to shoot a 300 on a house pattern I still would feel that the only reason I was able to do so was due to an easy oil pattern.

Anyone else feel this way?



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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2004, 08:47:23 PM »
Nope...I don't feel that way.  Yes technology and conditions make it easier, but if you shoot 250 you're doing a heck of a lot right regardless of the conditions.  When I shot my first 300 this year, it was amazing.  I threw 12 good balls in a row.  Not every Joe Blow can do that.  Don't get down by all the house shot talk.  A good score is a good score.

Kid Jete

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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2004, 08:51:35 PM »
Means alot to me... I just started back up not too long ago so anytime I can bowl 200+ and string together 3 good games I am more than happy.  The ease or difficulty of the shot doesn't matter to me.  You still have to throw a pretty good shot to string several strikes together, not to mention picking up most of your spairs.


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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2004, 09:29:56 PM »
I am only a 172 average(5 different houses) but lately i have been throwing a lot of 600+ 3 game series, which is really good for me.

Maybe i am getting better, but I don't notice myself doing anything different than before, maybe just getting lucky hits, who knows?


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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2004, 11:31:15 PM »
Punkrawk77: If you came to my home house, you would appreciate any 200 thrown. This Tuesday night, amongst our 5 man industrial league there was one 200 game thrown out of 6 teams. I would agree with Sawbones that I am happier when I've thrown 3 consistent games around 200-210 over throwing a big 250 plus game and following it up with one in the 160-170 range.



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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2004, 09:47:09 AM »
Three words: Sport Shot League

Join one of these leagues and never feel that your scores were not earned, ever. I subin one, a few weeks ago and they were awarding a 300 game award to a guy I have known for quite some time. I've seen him throw 300 before and after congratulating him, never thought about it again. He shot 300 on the sport shot, this is very impressive and I'll remember him for doing it.

To me, it doesn't matter if it's a wall or not. A 300 is a 300 ....... PERIOD. It might be a little easier on a house shot, but it is still one helluv an accomplishment. Nothing can change that!! IMO

You go ahead and believe that if you want. Read my post above and see what the difference is. I have alot of 300,s in league and the ones I remember are the ones on a sport pattern, before the ABC standards became a joke, or the ones bowled when nobody else could break 200.

Ernie McCracken

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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2004, 12:18:58 PM »
My house has a severe over/under shot so if I shoot 230-240's I'm thrilled.
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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2004, 02:12:25 PM »
Any time you can consistently throw the ball well enough to shoot 230 is a good game. Heck - I've shot 160 games that were better executed than some 230s I've thrown.
However - a 200 game only means nothing when your opponent shoots 201.

Don't worry about the numbers - worry about the other aspects of your game instead. When the consistency of release is there, the scores WILL come.
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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2004, 04:51:44 PM »
i didn't bowl during the rubber, plastic, or urethane days so i only know about the lower scores from what i've read or heard. not being a power player i would say it's more difficult sometimes to shoot high scores. i rely on accuracy and speed control even when i swing the ball. still, a high score does not always mean you threw the ball well. i can tell the difference between a good shot for a nine/spare and a bad shot for a strike.


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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2004, 11:32:15 PM »
When I can average 250, then it will no longer be a special score, but until then, I'm a happy camper whenever one comes along.  Are you going to lose a few times with 250 or better?  Yup.  So you might as well enjoy the big games when them come, as long as you are helping the team with them it's great.  

I always say big games, and especially 300 games, need more than skill, they need luck!  Sure you get more chances when you are a better bowler and can keep the ball living in the pocket, but how many times can you drill the pocket frame after frame and still have not even a double to show for it?  It's happened to me in league already and more than a few times.  Solid 7, rocking 4, solid 8, solid 9, ringing 10 and blower 6, and all in between strikes.  Beat the heck out of the pocket and 200 is all you can shoot if you are perfect on spares.  Then the next time almost everything you throw strikes and some on shots you wouldn't believe even if you could see an instant replay.  The longer you bowl the more the good luck/bad luck shots even out.  You just don't have control over some things, like if a rack has a pin slightly offset, or there is a bad pin in the rack.  Like my friend says, "It's a round ball hitting round pins and funny things happen."

Enjoy those big games, they are not that easy to throw!


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Re: Bowling high scores 200+ means nothing, does it?
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2004, 12:53:24 AM »
Back in the 1970's when I was younger I use to go once or twice a year with some friends and bowl some games. I just picked up a house ball and throw it straight between the first and third pins. At that time I had a wicked super fast throw. Had a lot of strikes, did not keep track of the games and did not get interested in the sports of bowling because I found it easy to strike. My friends will say how come I did not bowl more. I said I liked pitching a fast or curve ball to a batter because of the challenge. I never did paid much attention to bowling up to now. So to say bowling it is easier now then before is relative to the ability of the person. Can somebody tells us the true and exact conditions of the lanes when Earl Anthony or Don Carter bowled and against who. In baseball Nelson Fox was a very good home run hitter. In some baseball parks when he went to play, the day before, they will put extra nettings, raising the wall so he won't hit home runs and keep Babe Ruth's home run record safe. Nobody complained about that.

So let's avoid this mantra that today bowling is easy. Then and today it is not easy to be consistent in having good games. If you study, listen and keep a good visual of what you are doing. You can beat the best bowler of your house. Just let the frames and games do the talking for you. I started a year ago to bowl with a 159 average. Now with a lot of practice, coaching, listening and reading. My average is 190 and shot my first 300 game a month ago. In just my first year of bowling. I have thrown new or used Ebonite, Brunswick, Morich, Track, Hammer or Columbia bowling balls and they all hit well to me. No favorites.

So let's keep it simple. Have your 200 plus games and enjoy the sports of bowling. Cheer everybody that has a good game. Please do not try to put doubt in somebody's ability when during a given time is bowling better then you. You just have to sit back and analyze what that person did right and what you did wrong. We are all playing in the same boat and trying to enjoy the sports until our bodies fades away. So rack them up and let's rock and roll.

Strike!!! What a sweet sound.