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Author Topic: Bowling Integrity - By Definition  (Read 1281 times)


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Bowling Integrity - By Definition
« on: October 19, 2004, 04:40:03 AM »
Following MichiganBowling's thread about the poll I offer the following as to what might be defined as integrity on bowling and offer everyone to implement your thoughts.

In sports in general intergrity is looked at as requiring the participant to have consistant repeatable skills. The more consistant and repeatable the more skill and higher up the sport ladder the participant is classified.

Rules and regulations by the respective sports organizations should protect and maintain those skills decade to decade... there by insuring that the skill of previous participants are on the same playing field as todays.

Where has bowling lost integrity? By not requiring the same level of physical consistant and repeatable skills. By allowing the stirring of altered bowling shots to be guided to the pocket, by allowing poorly throuwn bowling balls to strike at will, by allowing pins that topple and fly so much more easily then ever before.

The playing field today is so much different than yesterday. The scores of bowlers yesterday cant compete with them of today. Does that mean those bowlers had less consistant, repeatable skills? Are they less skilled than todays bowlers?

If we want bowling to be a sport (in the olympics for example) then it has to reach the level of consistant repeatable skill of the likes of gymnastics where the equipment used plays almost no positive effects on the out come. Or like basketball with very consistant hardfast equipement. These sports have integrity and the skill is in the hands of the better athlete.

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Re: Bowling Integrity - By Definition
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2004, 12:58:00 PM »
Great points pin-chaser.  I dare say though that many sports are suffering from the same integrity problems as we are with bowling.  Baseball has the juiced up balls and steroids, but at least they limited the bat to wood for the pros.  Tennis has the ridiculously strong rackets allowing people to serve upwards of 140mph (or faster?).  Basketball has a lot of grey area and have allowed certain rules to become softer over time (Backing people down, carrying the ball, etc.).  You might have something there with gymnastics.  That's one sport that I can't think of anything that has allowed for better performances.

As I have said in other posts, bowling has the opportunity of revolutionizing the sports world when it comes to integrity.  If we can figure it out, then others will undoubtedly follow.  If we have the whole world watching our sport to see how we achieved the turn around, that means we now have a huge world wide audience!  Who wouldn't sponsor bowling then???

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Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: Bowling Integrity - By Definition
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2004, 01:07:47 PM »
I can't really argue with that... Imagine if a company introduced larger diameter rims to basketball, or bigger and lighter bats in baseball - that's basically what bowling has done with more powerful balls, easier-to-topple pins, and soft lane conditions.  I find it sad for the state of bowling when Joe Bowler says of the pros: "So what? Jim-Bob over there averages 238.  He could beat any of them pros if he were on tour."

I know better, and you know better, but the ignorant masses cannot tell the difference between Jim-Bob the THS bowler and Walter Ray Williams Jr.  However, even though Jim-Bob is a good baseball and basketball player too, they know he is no match for Barry Bonds or Kobe Bryant.  Why do you think that is?


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I wonder where they went? ;)