So anyway, last week the Mrs. decides she needs to replace her X-Factor because it doesn't move or hit like it used to. Seeing an opportunity to get another hand-me-down I asked her for the ball. I decided to plug the thumb and move it down to fit my span, leaving it setup as is (pin above bridge, cg kicked out slightly, with rad just next to the thumb towards the PAP). Seeing how we both use finger inserts I figured this would be the cheapest way to fit it so I could throw it. Picked up the ball last Saturday and threw it in our every-other mixed league, shot 243 - 279 - 279 for an 801 series, my first 800. The sad part is the league is not sanctioned.
Needless to say, O'm kinda anxious to see what this dead horse can do this week in my sanctioned league.