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Author Topic: Arsenal? How many is too many?  (Read 4517 times)


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Arsenal? How many is too many?
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:05:18 AM »
I'm sure you've seen it-the person who brings 5-7 balls to league.  The person who brings 12, sometimes more to a tournament.  The person who has countless(and relatively new) equipment all over the garage etc.  I currently have 6. 3 I take to league(I alternate 2 with a spare ball) and all 6 to a tourney.  I'm considering adding another ball and had to ask myself, "Damn, do I have too many?"

So, for YOU, how many is too many?
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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2009, 03:00:34 PM »
That's like asking my wife how many shoes are too many shoes or how many purses are too many purses.

There are some questions you just don't ask

Oh so true, my wife's passion is bags/organizational items.  I think we actually had to get a closet organizer to keep track of her organizational systems.  But back to the topic.

I own a lot of balls, I'll admit it.  I try to have 2 of each ball, drilled differently, different surface.  But I know that's due to my collector gene, and not because I'm a fantabulous bowler (yet).  However when I go to the lanes, I carry only 3 balls -- two of the same ball drilled differently (2 Buzz's, 2 Big Bangs, 2 Term Rebellions, whatever) and one spare.
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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2009, 05:05:18 PM »
Lol, that same question got me thinking the other day. "Do I need to add this? Will one more ball help my game anymore that what it already it? What am I missing?" Part of it is the different conditions we bowl on, whether it's the same or different every week. Another is whether it's a casual bowler or a more competative bowler. Right now I have 5 and want to have no more than 7. I want to take 4 to league (my skid/flip stuff) and all 6-7 at tourneys. So there's a reason for everything and everyone is different but sometimes having too many (expecially if they overlap) can confused you if you're not careful. I learned that the hard way two years ago.


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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2009, 05:49:15 PM »
I have a six ball roller so I take six whereever I go.

However, for league, I could easily get by with 3 plus a my spare tire. A dull solid,(Cell) a weak pearl(Momentum Swing or Gravity Shift at 4000) and a strong pearl or Hybrid (Virtual Gravity/HyRoad) for instance.

At our house, carry is always an issue. Some nights, certain balls carry better than other. At times you need a more direct, Cell, Temper etc.  arcing type shape to the pocket, other times, you need more angular, kinetic, gravity shift, virtual gravity etc. to the pocket in order to kick out the ten pin.

I like to have the extra balls just to change things up at times or to practice with different surface adjustments after league. But when I am serious, I will not change once I make a call, unless the lane tells me that I need to, i.e 7 frames out of 10 in a row 9/ from every conceivable angle.


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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2009, 09:22:48 PM »
I believe there is "two" games today.     #1 seems to the changing of balls.    This requires a bowler to be a "robot". Not too many out there. If you can't repeat a shot, why change balls.

The other is "adjustment".   This also requires a robot type bowler.   You can't adjust off of different releases.

Another is the "truthfull" asessment of your game, and a study of ball covers.
The average bowler needs a cover with a bit of forgivness.  If you tug a ball it sets, if you slice it, it recovers. This is also dependent on the pattern, but balls react different on the dry.    An old saying is "be a bit undergunned" and use your hand to adjust.

To get back to original post, I think a good "league" arsenal would be a urethane ball, and a mild resin with a lightbulb core.    Both covers adjusted to your lane condition.    The idea is to shoot steady in league, not 700 one week and 500 the next.    Remember your league is 36 weeks, not 3 games.

Great insight.
You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.


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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2009, 10:44:21 PM »
Currently, in my summer pbax league they change the shot every 2 weeks. So, between the 2 weeks that we have the same shot out I'll go thru 8-10 balls.  This past 2 week period I changed out 4 balls from the first week to the second.

Week 1

Maxx Zone
Spare Ball
Vapor Zone
Revolution Extreme Gear

Shot 590, fighting over/under all night long

Week 2

Maxx Zone
Spare Ball
Revolution Overcome
Hammer No Mercy Beat'n
Power Groove

Shot 647, no problems with lane play

I may have 20-25 balls that are in my arsenal but from week to week I may swap out multiple balls to match up better to the lanes.

Even in league I find that the pattern changes week in week out (weather, humidity, etc.) Plus the lanes are slick.

six pack

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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2009, 06:23:16 AM »
I will be useing four balls for two leagues in two different houses this year.the looks I get from these four that I'm looking for are 1-early and smooth,2-some length and slightly angular,3-length and angular and 4- a urethane that is long and smooth. I don't see why any league bowler would need anymore then four balls except for maybe a plastic ball.
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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2009, 08:10:01 AM »
I try to keep my arsenal around 10 balls - that's already more than enough to chose from. To league and tournaments, I frequently bring 4 balls plus a spare.

Personally, I think you can get along well with a 4-5 ball arsenal to cover anything from true desert conditions to long and heavy oil - if you have the RIGHT balls, with a good setup that actually makes them "different" from each other, condition- and/or reaction-wise.
I find that sorting this out takes along tinme and some experiments, and sometimes a ball that covers a condition as good as another one in your arsenal but with a different drilling for another reaction shape can be a ticket to success.

What actually makes a sensible and effective arsenal is very subjective, there are a lot of factors involved - but you better know your equipment and skills with it well to exploit it. Otherwise, ball lottery starts ("Oh, this one does not work as usual, well, now the red one..."). And it does not necessarily mean that moere balls meand more options. Rather more chances for confusion and redundancy in the bag.
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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2009, 12:16:11 PM »
Since I am switching from 15 pound balls to 14 pound balls I now have way too many balls. If I settle on the 14 pounders, I will have about 7 or 8 15 pound balls to get rid of. The jury is out so far, my average has steadily declined with the change to 14 although I do not know if the change has anything to do with it.

We never know what the lanes will be in our summer league. They swear they strip and oil at midnight each night but some days in the summer nobody uses the lanes all day and some days a bunch of kids and/seniors roll house balls down the middle all day creating a huge carrydown.

So, I bring 4 balls to league, a highly polished Power Groove, a 'Nsane levRG,  a Jolt Particle and an Ice Storm. Going to replace the 'Nsane with a Storm Rapid Fire as me and MoRich don't get along.


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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2009, 12:21:51 PM »
I don't leave the house for any league or tournament with fewer than six balls. I may not use all six in one night (I typically just use two plus the spare ball), but I have them in case I see something I wasn't expecting.

As for total number of balls, the point at which you can no longer remember what each ball does and how it fits in is the moment you have too many to choose from. There's no set number.



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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2009, 12:52:32 PM »
2 balls for league is plenty. 1 solid and 1 pearl ball is enough for any single house league. for a travel league or tournament play anywhere from 3 to 6 balls should cover it. PBA leagues and tournaments......probably 8 to 12 balls...i dont bowl those so that number is up in the air.
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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2009, 01:13:50 PM »
I bring 6 to tourneys I just grab stuff starting with most two that hook pretty good, Two in the middle my benchmark ball the Hercules being one, then two that hook less.

League I bring three one that hooks most, one that is in the middle, and one that hooks the least.

As for as how many is to many? No such thing if you can make them work together it is all good.
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Edited on 7/15/2009 1:20 PM
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Re: Arsenal? How many is too many?
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2009, 03:55:21 PM »
When I got to a regional, I'll usually take 10-12 balls.  Doesn't matter the pattern, I'll take my strongest and weakest ball.  Most of the time, its in a center I haven't bowled in before, so I don't know the lanes.  Usually during and after practice session before the tournament, I can eliminate most of the ones I won't need.  I'll take 4 balls for league, and I usually only throw the same one lol

Bowl to win!!!

Move left, hook it more.....

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Edited on 7/15/2009 3:55 PM
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