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Author Topic: Heavy oil balls, does every serious bowler need one?  (Read 1009 times)


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Heavy oil balls, does every serious bowler need one?
« on: February 22, 2004, 08:50:20 AM »
I ask this question. I have been bowling again since this past October at different houses and have yet to encounter a heavy oil condition, except for one occasion.

My fear is that I'll spend darn near $200+ dollars for such a ball and never be able to use it cause I'll never see that much oil on the different lanes that I bowl at.  I have yet to bowl in a league. Usually I bowl right after the night leagues get out, so there is probably less oil on the lanes. Is that an accurate assumption?

The reason I am asking about heavy oil balls is that I am trying to get my 4-ball arsenal underway. One of those balls is for spares, so 3 ball arsenal really.



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Re: Heavy oil balls, does every serious bowler need one?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2004, 12:02:39 AM »
I have the same problem, i.e. I never really see heavily oiled lanes.  I once bought a Track Enforcer ($220 at the time) and used it only a couple of times - a waste of money.  When I went to all 15 lb equipment, I got rid of the Enforcer and now I have a Predator Jungle Green, drilled stacked leverage for heavy oil (About $155 drilled).  

Every now and then on my late league, we are left with big time carry down.  I can play the JG inside and it beats the carry down great. The JG gets down the lane and has a very strong back end for me and carries very well. Works great on meduim oily to oily.   I haven't played it on a real flood like I usually encounter at the BJ at the ABC's, so I don't know if it will handle that.  However, even though I seldom use the ball, I don't feel so bad about having it since it wasn't too pricey.  If I wanted to use it more, I could shine it up, but then I wouldn't have anything for oil.

When you bowl after late leagues, and they aren't hooking, you may be seeing some carry down, particularly after a bunch who throw plastic down the middle.

Edited on 2/23/2004 0:59 AM


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Re: Heavy oil balls, does every serious bowler need one?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2004, 12:20:05 AM »
In my opinion I think everyone that is serious about tournament bowling should have something that can soak up the oil. I dont think the average house bowler would need one unless they are interested in persuing bowling further.

I have friends who tell me "The shot is flooded I cant get it to hook!" and on the same lanes I cant get my xxxl on the right side of the head pin.
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Re: Heavy oil balls, does every serious bowler need one?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2004, 01:04:47 AM »
If you are bowling on THS or short oil conditions, a heavier oil ball wouldn't be advised to add to your arsenal. If you are planning on bowling a lot of tournaments in your state and in surrounding states, I would say you need a heavier oil ball. I find that a lot of times in city/state tournaments, they will put out a heavier oil shot to keep the scores in check, and if you bowl a lot of scratch tournaments they will put out sport conditions or PBA styled shots.



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Re: Heavy oil balls, does every serious bowler need one?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2004, 04:38:52 AM »
You guys are right, if you're not a tournament player or rarely see heavy oil in your house, I wouldn't recommend it.  It's a must for a tournament player though as they can encounter everything. See, this is coming from a pro shop...
no wonder I'm broke...
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