Most people do not understand the interaction of friction rev rate and ball speed. The majority of bowlers who are trying to hook the ball typically encounter burn out more often than not because they are encountering too much friction for their ball speed. They could carry better with lower friction shells and learning to square up to the lane a bit more. All house shots are relatively dry outside 10 board, and for the entire last 20 feet. In addition the modern balls with surface blow up the middles quickly.
There is a reason that the manufacturers are all coming out with lighter oil balls like the Arson Low Flare, Ride, LT 48, Freeze, and several others. Most seniors and lower speed bowlers should be looking to use these balls as their go to ball. If they cant get these to hook as much as they want, they either are looking for too much hook, don't know how to line up, or simply have a seriously weak delivery that cannot be helped with a hook monster.