Quote from Steven:
The Hammer Scandal !!
I honestly tried. I made surface adjustments from 500 to 4000 grit. I've used it on fresh and second shift THS conditions in different houses. I've used it on different sport conditions, most recently 47' Statue of Liberty. Disappointing is an understatement.
The ball rolls very early, and recovery in the forward transition from oil to friction is sub-par. I've seen a few high speed THS bowlers have some success with the Scandal bouncing it off the side wall friction, but that's not what I bought the ball for.
I just bowled league this past Monday, and there were 4 people on my lanes with this ball, scoring like crazy!!! WOW! Go figure!
Like I said, I've seen some league bowlers have some success with the Scandal too. I've also taken mine up to 4000 and it worked OK on our THS. That's fine, but there are many mid-range balls that work as well or better on a THS. The Scandal's little brother, the Solid Rebel, is just one example. That's one fun ball to throw!!
I'm talking about the performance of the ball on it's intended condition, which is heavier/longer oil. It's not just me. I've seen many very good bowlers use the Scandal in my two sport shot leagues, and it almost always goes quickly back into their bags.
A few weeks ago, I had my Scandal completely plugged and redrilled to my favorite Symmetric pattern, and at least in practice, it's rolling better. Maybe I'm being overly harsh. Still, I have many oilers in my rotation (3 Gurus, The Mix, and a Marvel-S) that perform much better in heavy oil. I just got a Pitbull drilled up and will throw it for the first time in practice tomorrow opposite the Scandal.
But as you say, go figure.