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Author Topic: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...  (Read 5791 times)


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Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« on: April 12, 2007, 05:50:30 PM »
Ok, as some of you may know, or maybe not, I own a Proshop in Southeastern Kansas just south of Wichita. I took over the proshop and signed a one year contract on December 12, 2006. (meaning im there till december 11, 2007)

The bowling alley i am in has a lot of league bowlers and has various leagues every night. My hours of operation are as follows:

Monday 5-7 (the one night i bowl league)
Tuesday 5-8:30
Wednesday 5-8:30
Thursday 9-noon (senior league) and  5-8:30
Friday  5-9
Saturday 9-noon (juniors)

I believe that that covers every league except one small womens league during the day on wednesday.

The trouble i am having is, one, getting customers into the shop, and two, getting said customers to purchase something.
I have worked at this bowling alley for 2 years prior to taking over the shop so i feel have a good sense of what goes on and i definately know most league bowlers.

I believe my biggest problem is my age. I am 19 years old and, not to sound cocky, i know what i am doing. I have been to a week long jayhawk class, a powerhouse clinic and i have participated in an IBPSIA HOTS seminar. I have the certificates displayed in easy view in my proshop.

It appears to me as though the bowlers see a "kid" and think... who is he and what does he know about bowling?

My prices are also very reasonable/low side. For a blank drill i charge 30 for plastic and 40 for others (grips, but not slugs, included). For a full plug and redrill i charge 25 plus grips/slugs. The pricing on my balls and other equip is also very low compared to surrounding areas. For example, a proshop in wichita that i know the owner and am friends with charges 219 drilled for the TNV. In my shop, i have the TNV for 184 drilled. Thats 35 dollars cheaper, as is the case on most of my goods.

I guess my request is, if anybody has been in the situation i have been in or think they know something to get people in the shop... please tell me. Any suggestion at all will be greately appreciated.



PS. i dont think its the summer months causing this, it has been a going thing for about 2 months.



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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2007, 07:52:12 PM »
Traffic in the center dictates your hours.  We are going to start staying open 2 nights a week maybe until 10 to cover $1 bowling times.  If you are in our center at 3 in the afternoon on a weekday you would be the only customer and maybe until 5:30.  Today I had a fair day and did mostly ball work.  From 1 to 3 there was no one in the center.  


Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with Bowlers Slide Sock.  The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2007, 12:49:09 PM »
You said you took over the pro shop last year. What was the rep of the previous owner? If a customer has had a bad experience, or even a so-so one,  they won't come back. You need to get the word out that there has been a change in ownership. If the pervious owner was a superstar, you need to let everyone know that the service level won't change. Flyers, banners maybe a small ad in the sports section of the local newspaper would work.
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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2007, 03:39:06 PM »
my point of view is about one word "Perception"

i understand ur points, i mean, if i walk into a pro shop and a guy under 20 is telling me what drilling i should get, i would go "uhmm... are u sure of what are u talking about?"

but comming back to the topic

u said there are leagues going on, so a good idea would be do sell some raffles, just break even on those, or with minimal profit. what u want is to have ppl seein new balls being thrown. i know the fact that many ppl would put money on brackets and other stuff, so taking few dollars from each person and giving them chance to win balls would definitely give u more advertising.

one observation on ur prices, because of ur low prices and ur age (no offense here) people would think that u are inexperienced and therefore the price. That's definitely not a good idea. If u were older and charge the same price, people would think that u want to be competitive. thats why i believe quite a few people in the alley have the wrong perception towards u.

I have heard of many tips of doing business, one of them is to promote new balls to top bowlers at a minimun price (thats w/o losing money on them) and have a deal with them so that they mainly use those balls and recommend to others. However, u should choose wisely those bowlers, many people dont like the "bowler gurus" in the alleys, those gurus who think they know everything about the sport.

support a lot the jr bowlers and give some discount to them. kids grow fast,that includes lots of re-adjusting with plugs and rework on the balls. Jrs may not purchase a lot of equipments but most of em have parents who also bowl, so if their kids are satisfied, they will trust u and be more confident on dealing with u. If u have certified coachin, u can even have a promotion of few hs of coachin if someone buy a high end performance ball (most ppl would not even use those but it will make the ball look more valuable)

there are many marketing strategies, such as buy one and get next one cheaper (10-20 bucks discount on next ball) so u dont have to price ur balls 35 bucks cheaper.

hope this help
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.


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Re: Pro Shop Woes... any Suggestions appreciated...
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2007, 12:44:16 AM »
All the posts on his hours...he did say he was in school after all so he can't be open while in class, until they start cloning humans that is.  The pro shop I go to up here is in the garage of a house, its about trust.  2 members of his "staff" are brothers and friends and they both know how I bowl so I trust them to do me right when I have a new ball drilled or an older one redrilled.  advertise advertise advertise!!!  Get a few of the local high rollers,other than your friends, to buy their stuff from you, no better advertising than their word of mouth.  old guys like to talk, no offense to any readers. Then when someone asks whose stuff you drill you can drop a few names,cause we all like to drop names. Might get the customer who was just looking and thinking you are too young to see what you can do for him since you are doing a great job for the other guy.
Dan Fettes
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