Sometimes you just have one of those days when nothing feels right, the timing is gone, the release is iffy....your rhythm is off. It happens. I wouldn't worry about or try to fix anything because of it.
In my summer league last year, for a good 3/4 of the season I didn't shoot below 620...even had a few nights when I shot 650+ with a first game of 165-170. Then come the end of the season, position night...I couldn't get into a rhythm to save my life...shot something like 550.
It happens, no big deal. I'm sure there are nights that you've bowled good and one or more of your teamates didn't. You can't let it bother happens. I'm not saying that you should be happy about bowling bad, but if its something that doesn't happen often, then no worries.
University at Albany 2007
-Let's Go Danes-
ROTO GRIP - King of Them All
STORM - The Bowlers Company
Harry E. Inglis 3/31/1915 - 2/3/2009