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Author Topic: bad?? or just ok?  (Read 583 times)


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bad?? or just ok?
« on: September 08, 2008, 04:12:01 PM »
when does "thumb roll" happen?? why does it happen? is it bad?



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Re: bad?? or just ok?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 10:16:47 AM »
It's all release related.  

High trackers will sometimes clip the thumb hole, but it usually happens for only a rotation or two before the track migrates away from the thumb.  It's usually more pronounced on low flare balls, and spare balls.  It's usually not a big deal.  If the ball is thumping at the backend of the lane then it is most likely flaring into the fingers.  In that case you need to take a look at pin placement, and probably raise the pin above the fingers.  If you are thumping down the entire lane then you should probably see a coach or have your driller watch you to see what you are doing wrong.

This can also happen to full rollers who have their equipment drilled wrong.  This is a big deal and you should get a full roller safe drill on your equipment.
