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Author Topic: I'm wondering.  (Read 435 times)


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I'm wondering.
« on: September 14, 2004, 03:12:55 PM »
I'm quite curious how you guys phrase your drill layouts. But I'm not sure how is mine supposed to phrase. I am only certain that the pin is below and a bit to the right of my ring finger. The CG is directly under the ring finger, at 2.5 inches. There's no weight hole. Can anyone please help me phrase it like how you guys do? The pin position can be seen in the photograph in my profile (if the link doesn't fail). Thanks to anyone who replies.



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Re: I'm wondering.
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2004, 11:23:18 PM »
If you want to phrase it in numerical terms, first you need to have your driller find your Positive axis point. Then measure the distance from each the pin and cg and that will give you the numerical layout. Example, if after you find the positive axis point, the pin is 3" from your PAP and the cg is 4" from your pap, then your layout is a 3x4 drilling. The one thing to understand is that you need to find your PAP.
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Re: I'm wondering.
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2004, 11:25:38 PM »
also, once you find your pap, you can mark it, make a line to the pin, then a line to the cg. measure the angle, and you can say you have a 75 degree drilling, 60 degree, with the pin blah blah blah inches from your pap with a low pin location. makes you sound very sophisticated and educated to those in the know, and can intimidate your opponents. often i'll comment on other bowlers drill patterns, like say "o wheres your pap" then "o well since you don't know, for me, that drilling would be stacked leverage 3 3/8 by 3 3/8, extremely strong and angular drilling" they usually look dumbfounded.

Edited on 9/14/2004 11:41 PM


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Re: I'm wondering.
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2004, 11:27:56 PM »
Good point Stanski!!

Also as a bit of helpful info for you and everyone else, once you know your PAP, put it in your profile and anything else you know about your game. Example, speed, revs, comfort line etc...

Just some food for thought!!
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Re: I'm wondering.
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2004, 11:31:54 PM »
Oh, I see. Thanks. If I'm not wrong, my driller told me my PAP is 5 and 3/8 inches from my pin. Hmmm, really thank you. I'll measure the distance from my CG once I'm free after my examinations.


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Re: I'm wondering.
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2004, 11:47:54 PM »
he might have said 5 3/8 inches from your grip center... if its 5 3/8 from your pin, the you would be tracking either really high or really strangly, as in my estimation that would put your pap about 7 inches from grip center. it might have also been 5 inches over, 3/8 up?


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Re: I'm wondering.
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2004, 12:55:24 AM »
Hmmm, I think I'd have to check again. Thanks for telling me that as well. Really appreciate it.