Your pin being at 8:30, for a lefty, seems to indicate your driller gave you a special drilling. That will modify the ball's reaction to make it very even, but it will also reverse the flare, I believe. Not 100% sure, but I think so.
If a hightracker puts the pin under the line from ring finger to PAP, then he risks tracking over the finger holes. In order to put the pin under the ring finger for an earlier reaction, one USUALLY nees to drill a weight hole about 3" below the PAP. That weight hole, in a ball with an RG differential of .040 or higher, will usually raise the bowtie; so, the ball will not flare over the fingers, but it will also make the ball flare earlier. The CG has to be positioned so that weight hole can be drilled safely for theball to remain within ABC/USBC specifications for side and top weights.
Edited on 3/2/2005 2:38 AM