If you dont like 2 handed bowling, you dont outlaw it, you change the environment that rewards it. This whole argument reminds me of 35+ years ago when the plant and reef cup wristers were driving the great strokers out of the game. If anything that was even worse. The strike or no count advantage to the power players was almost unbreachable. Ever wonder why all the great strokers like Neff, Hudson, Laub, Stefanich disappeared almost over might. The best of the power players like Roth Holman Webb werr immensely talented, but the short oil environment brought in a hist of other one hit wonder champions on tour during the early to mid 80s.
I remember bowling 6 game tourneys where I shot under and didnt cash with maybe 2 opens while guys were shooting 100 over with 8 opens. The carry avantage was so extreme to those crankers. My lack of success was partly my own fault. I had the ability to go even straighter and become a niche player like a Dickenson, but was tio stubborn.