The Bowling Stuff Page has been updated
For Bowling Stuff Click HereI've added a new sheet "The Ball Comparison Chart (SS)"
This chart allows you to enter the name, length and hook ratings of up to eight bowling balls. The chart will then show you how they relate to each other. This is in Open office(ods) format only.
Click to see sample chartAlso on the Ball Review Spreadsheet, I've added the "Core Symmetry" category which show's if a ball is Symmetrical or Asymmetrical.
For Bowling Stuff Click HereDownloads list-
Ball Reviews (SS)
Ball Comparison Chart (SS)
Bowler Statistic (SS)
Bowling Grit Chart (PDF)
Bowlingball Sides (PDF)
Handicap Calculator (SS)
Prizelist Generator (SS)
BracketSS (SS)
Click For My GripEdited on 5/31/2009 11:06 PM