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Author Topic: Bowling technology  (Read 642 times)


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Bowling technology
« on: July 21, 2004, 02:36:23 PM »
Bowling ball technology is taking this sport in the wrong direction. All technology does is take the skill out of things. It lets bad bowlers like me get scores that 30 years ago our skill would have not let us achieve but because technology takes the place of skill it makes crazy scores and series possible.

I can hook from gutter to gutter just because I buy an expensive ball and get it drilled to do that not because I have any kind of special skill anyone can hook from gutter to gutter now you couldn't say that 30 years ago could you? Instead of gaining the skill to do so I can just buy a ball that creates an unfair advantage for people willing to dish out the cash for new balls all the time. We don't let athletes use steroids because it's an unfair advantage but we can use balls that are on steroids if we have the money.

In another 30 years a 10 year old kid with almost no revs will have as much hook as any hi rev player of today. If there are enough players to keep the alleys open in 30 years... Our solution instead of limiting the technology of bowling balls is to put more oil on the lane in different places we can't do this forever. Where is it all going to end? That is the easy part no one will want to bowl anyone good anyway because the ball will do all the work about 0.00000000001% will be skill the rest will be all the bowling ball. I rather throw urethane and use what little skill I have then depend on the ball like some people around where I live do and it will only get worse as time goes on.

I say all these things knowing I'm an idiot and I haven't been bowling very long and I may be way off but that is how I feel about technology and where the game is going.
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Re: Bowling technology
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2004, 02:13:08 PM »
I would be interested in knowing what you average hooking the ball from gutter to gutter.


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