Hey SK, don't let that confidence get too high man!

Seriously, these things happen. They happen to the best of us, and usually at the most inoppertune time. I was riding the hot streak of my life 2 weeks ago, showed up for bowling and promptly embarassed myself with a whopping 430 series. I was 2nd to low man on our team, and the only guy I beat had a 130 average. I couldn't do anything right, and this WAS the THS. (Heavier oil, but still the wall)
I know it sucks now, but you'll throw a few good games and get back on the horse. I slumped for a bit, then broke out with a 245 game. Sunday I bowled a 205, 215 and 275, establishing new personal highs for series and game. Cheer up man, and offer up that advice anytime. I still cruise the beginner boards, when times get tough. You never know when you might catch that one tip that makes the lightbulb click on, even when you know the basics inside and out.
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good. Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!! OHH THE HUMANITY!"
Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names