bowling thoughts
I have written the following as statements, but each statement is equally a question. Where is my understanding off the mark? I am a relatively new bowler - I welcome instruction.
1. All balls are manufactured with particular surface friction and particular internal imbalance intended to perform well on a particular, yet general lane condition. The surface friction can be tuned by sanding and or polishing.
2. Everything done to the cover - or with the release, or with holes drilled into the ball, will have an effect on skid, hook, and roll.
3. Any balance hole that is large enough and deep enough can make a visible difference in the skid, hook and roll characteristics of the ball.
4. A bowler can defeat the properties of any ball by using speed and excessive rev rate.
5. No two bowlers release the ball in exactly the same way; therefore, the exact location of the Principle Axis Point will be different for every bowler.
6. With no knowledge of where my PAP is - I can not know the true orientation of the core as it relates to my grip/release/angle of rotation; therefore, I can't be sure that I am drilling the ball in a way that will allow the balls' dynamics help me make strikes.
7. Pin position relative to PAP, affects flare/hook potential.
8. Orientation or angle of the core as it relates to the PAP - affects break point strength and shape.
9. Entry angle at the head pin is the single most important factor determining what strikes and what doesn't.
10. Delivery speed must match rev rate.
11. The angle of rotation is more important than rev rate alone.
12. If the surface of the ball does not match the lane condition... the pocket can be pounded, but, strikes will be rare.
13. No two bowlers have anything exactly in common except the desire to knock all of the standing pins down as often as possible.