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Author Topic: Does new ball technology only help "Crankers"?  (Read 619 times)


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Does new ball technology only help "Crankers"?
« on: March 29, 2005, 03:48:01 AM »
After reading countless posts about how new technology helps crankers who "spray" the ball everywhere and never hit the same spot twice, I've got to ask if you believe that new technology is only helping the inaccurate cranker?

I haven't seen anybody mention this, but aren't these same people just as tired of seeing the low rev guys (who maybe never used to carry well a few years ago)buy the new "hook in a box," which increases their carry and adds some 20 pins to their average. This is something I see more and more of in the leagues I bowl in. My house definitely favors accuracy and is no "wall" IMO.

A guy on my team is 65 years old and a very low-rev bowler. He is accurate, but never adjusts his shot. He has never averaged more than 187 in his life or his four years on our current lanes. Over the Summer, I talked him into buying a new particle ball. This year he is averaging 204. He is throwing the same way he always has and the house hasn't changed anything. So, are these same people upset about ball technology helping my 65 yr old, down and in, stroker, teammate?



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Re: Does new ball technology only help "Crankers"?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2005, 08:52:18 PM »
No way.  New technology helps everyone.  Sometimes it can hurt the cranker just because balls today hook more and more and bowling centers are not putting out more and more oil that more often than not, older technology, or newer weaker balls tend to work better on most conditions.  I just drileld an Arsenel Aggressive for a woman who throws it about 17 mph, very little axis rotation and not alot of axis tilt.  She averaged 175, but the past 2 weeks, she goes for 670 and 625 scratch to raise her average to 180.  She has also shot her 2 highest games ever (255 and 277).  To say that new tech helps only the cranker is a very untrue statement.  Overall, it is all about matching the ball to the bowler on specific conditions regardless of rev rate.
Steven Vance
Atlanta (Buford), GA
Pro Shop Operator
Advanced Bowling Solutions

If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager


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Re: Does new ball technology only help "Crankers"?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2005, 12:08:27 AM »
I think they help crankers the least too, there are so many people thatover kill the condition with high tech stuff and would do lots better with older or less hooking equipment, but as whole the newer equipment will have the advantages. and some of this newer equipment really helps lower rev players and lower speed players get torque and power into the pocket and it helps higher speed players to like most have said. But higher tech ball are allot more condition specific and drill specific.

just my 02

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