I cary a 4 handicap oand a 230 average (on house shots). There is no way to compare golf to bowling. Yes, both have high tech equipment, but short of putting large fans down both sides of the fairway and funneling the greens, which woulld simulate house patterns in bolwing, you can't compare. Lets face it, the lane man can make you otr break you, but in golf it's you and the course. And as to the equipment, i could take a 170 average bowler (who has a bit of ability), using a house ball, fit him with a high tech missle, work with him for a few weeks and viola!!!! he's probably 190-200. Take a 20 handicapper using crap clubs, fit him with a $2,000 dollar set and give him 5 lessons, how much better is he gonna get? He may hit it further, but in what direction? Guess you get my point. Cant compare 'em, not nowadays at least.
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!