Couple things.....
There is a scratch league at our center. Some good bowlers there as they've got prior pros (who just recently lost spots) and some regional bowlers as well I believe. Funny thing on the oil is that when the house gets oiled from low to high, done during open bowl mind one bowls on lanes 1-10, which is where this league bowls. Our lanes are oiled and open play still continues to have access to the lanes!!
The league does have a limit of 1000 min for the 5 man team. Interesting stats:
Team 1 – 1059 average – 7th place overall – 4th place average
Team 2 – 1052 average – 8th place overall – 7th place average
Team 3 – 1065 average – 5th place overall – 3rd place average
Team 4 – 1053 average – 2nd place overall – 6th place average
Team 5 – 1056 average – 6th place overall – 5th place average
Team 6 – 1043 average - 3rd place overall – 8th place average
Team 7 – 990 average – 10th place overall – 10th place average
Team 8 – 1016 average – 9th place overall – 9th place average
Team 9 – 1072 average – 4th place overall – 2nd place average
Team 10 – 1114 average – 1st place overall – 1st place average
There are a couple of surprises, but much is what I would think should happen. The higher teams will finish higher since it's scratch.....for the most part. Now, we do see that 3rd place was taken by the 8th place average team. Not sure on how the points are done, but if done by bowler, this might make sense as there's 1 180 average bowler and the rest are 215 and above.
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!!

g thing is back....with a vengeance!!