Joe, I understand yhout frustation and what you are sayimg, but as you said, we have had this discussion on here before. Logistically and finacially, there is just no way to have a fresh shot for every squad. I still disagree that this is a majot resaon why tournamnts are losing bowlers. I took a look at the tournament web page, and the schedule is similar to there assocataions tournaments. Now, it wold be nice if there entry blank would have specified the oiling times so the you would know when there is a fresh shot, but it doesn't. Since you were at 12:30, and it was a doubles and singles squad before you, I would not expect that the the lanes would be bone dry, unless they out out a light shot to begin with.
Even at the ABC Nationals, you are not going to get fresh shot every squad. They oil the lanes there at 7:00am, 2:30pm and 8:30 pm. Team event sqauds are at 2:30pm and 8:30pm, Doubles/Singles are at 7:00am, 9:20am, 11:40am, 5:30pm, and 11:30pm. Obviously the 5:30 and 11:30pm Doubles/Singles squads are going to be a little on the dry side, but that's what you get.
The point I'm trying to make, is that, with rare exception, your will never get a fresh shot for each squad in a tournament. Adjusting to the different lane conditions is part of the game, that's why were carry multiple balls to leagues and tournaments.