Tonight our league is having a meeting. I'm planning on bringing up the issue of our ridiculous handicap.
It is set at 100% of 220. That is awfully high in the first place. The topper is that there is negative handicap for those of us that carry an average greater than 220 (was about 7 or 8 of us last season). For example, last season I averaged 227. If I bowled say 220, I would have a handicap score of 213. Getting punished for working on my game is a little odd if you ask me.
I've always thought that it should be set a few pins higher than the highest average in the league. A guy last season averaged 233, so I would think that it should be based upon say 235. To keep it from being a pins over average league you have to change the 100%, but to what?
The whole reason for this is because the better teams have been getting trounced the last couple seasons. The league is fairly competitive and there isn't a HUGE gap in talent, but there's enough to make the handicap significant. The team with the worst team average won the league last year, while the team with the highest team average took dead last out of 14 teams. The other top 3 teams all finished in the bottom 5. It was more of the same two years ago when the 2nd lowest team average took first, with the best team finishing 13th.
I'm all for everyone having a fair shot at winning the league. I do not want to shut out the "lesser" teams from having a fair shake. But I also do not think that the better teams and bowlers should go into a season thinking that they are going to get raped by handicap.
What would you guys suggest I mention for a more fair handicap number? 90% of 235? There's enough of us upset about it to pass a league vote for a change of some sort.
"You cannot change the stripes of a leopard."
~Emmitt Smith