I think individual attitude has a lot to do with it.
Example I there are some guys from my work that had mentioned they have gone to a local center for the one dollar specials. You know, beer, dogs, and bowilng for a buck.
I convinced them to at least try coming with me to Pot-gold, on the premise that why not at least have a chance to win some money.
They all had a blast and have gone twice since. I even gave one of them, who has a pretty good form for a beginner, one of my old balls.
But they still say that they dont think they are good enough and no amount of persuasion will convince them otherwise.
Unfortunately it also seems as though no one wants to commit to the time.
Hence the trend of gimmick and short leagues.
ABC does need to promote the team concept more, but does anyone remember the World Team Challenge? Seeing that on T.V. I dont see how anyone who doesnt bowl would want to try. The Baker format had no presence on T.V.
I feel that bowling is a vicitm of stereotype. Look at the sponsors that PBA has picked up, Motel 6, Denny's? Although I'm glad for the PBA to have them, they do not necessarily conjur up ideas of glamour or fun. I even know that a lot of soccer mom & dad types have a low opinion of bowling, and bowling centers, and if you cant convince the youth where will we be?
I think we can save it but we need better outside promotion and more ambassadors for the sport.
........"and sometimes, when the dust settles, the ten pin stands."