My first suggestion would also be to polish at least one ball with a fine base grit and see what happens.
Besides, what equipment do you use right now, and how is it drilled? If the shiny surface is no help, then you might consider a weaker ball (higher RG core, maybe a polished pearl ball) with a weaker/length setup just to get it further down the lane.
Playing a very different line than usual (e. g. close to the gutter) can also be a solution, esp. if you know that it is not a THS with much dry outside area. The lane surface also tends to be less worn, and offer less friction, so your current equipment could be there working (better) there.
As another question: Do you know the pattern, or what actually has changed? Sometimes small changes like a new lane conditioner can drive you nuts - e. g. when the oil viscosity has changed. It could be such a thing that happened to you.
Good luck, though!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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