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Author Topic: Bowling with an 800 regular  (Read 830 times)


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Bowling with an 800 regular
« on: April 28, 2004, 01:39:58 AM »
It keeps happening to me!

Lately after I moved to a new area I've befriended some bowlers better than me.

Recently though not bowling great they just needed a warm body!  I qualified.
Therefore I've been bowling with a guy that just has some talent.  Bowls about 3 to 4 leagues a week, don't know if he works and right now just about every week he throws an 800 or sometimes two!

Last week he really blew it and shot 279, 300, and didn't even shoot 800 the piker!  Only 794 or so.

The last 7 weeks I think I've seen 4 or 5 800s and 3 79x for this guy listed in the local bowling press!

Anyway so what?

Well it's interesting!  This guy is young, has a lot of hand and a lot of speed.
Most of these conditions are hard wet drys with a fairly short pattern.

Many guys are trying to keep the ball from crossing over(very different than where I'm from.  Finally I started watching him closely.

I noticed that really he doesn't hardly ever touch the dry outside.  The barrier is harsh and bounces hard up to or past the pocket.  Instead he tends to throw from inside to the end of the pattern(a crown) hitting at the breakpoint somewhere between 11 and 13(both in the oil).  His speed is a potent area of hold for him and seems to really add to his carry.

All of sudden I've found a way to be a touch firmer, (a wrist brace with my fingers held differently(baby finger in close), index finger in closer than I have been.  And the slight touch of firmness, a ball that reacts a little less jumpy as it finds dryer(Victory SPT drilled 5 1/2 X 6) and aiming at the end of the pattern instead of the side is allowing me to hang nearer him occassionally during games.  No not in the 800 range!

Anyway we continue learning!


PS another interesting thing this guy does is in talking with him is that he looks at nothing on the lane.  He claims he just is monitoring where he is sliding at the foul line while not actually holding his head down or looking straight down.  Strange but true.  Obviously works on league conditions.
PPS this guy is good enough he just made some pretty decent money in Vegas too!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Bowling with an 800 regular
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2004, 01:44:04 AM »
Yep, easy lanes, many a night he has over a 100 pin spread between him and the next highest series.  Bring your bowlers from California and challenge him.

You didn't hear me, he has at least 5 800's in 7 weeks and probably 6 300s.

Hooking lanes not easy lanes.  Oh dry heads he can loft in the Mika zone!

Pro tour material, I don't think so, however this is a unique talent!
This type of high scoring on league type conditions!  I would not be surprised if for the whole year accross his 3 leagues if he is not approaching 15 800s!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana