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Author Topic: Callus on thumb  (Read 11060 times)


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Callus on thumb
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:03:14 AM »
  I am developing a big callus on the righ side of my thumb. I am right handed and if I a look at my thumb nail while thumb pointing to the sky I have a callus forming on the right side. Directly on the right side.


What is causing this? Should I change the lateral pitch, my current pitch is 3/16 under and 1/16 away from palm so left.


Please let me know what I can do?





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Re: Callus on thumb
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 08:04:20 PM »
I have the same problem. Such that I almost never bowl more than two days in a row to keep the swelling down.  I would assume it is from the friction of the thumb and hole obviously.  Now I grab quite a bit so it is worse for me, but I have tried a tight thumbhole and I am just too scared to let it go and I always wind up dropping it.  I have been told that going to lateral pitch should help and I have gone from 0 to 3/16 lateral to 5/16 lateral and it helps a little.  I've gone back to 3/16 since the 5/16 makes it harder for me to stay behind the ball.  I will be practicing more in the summer and I'm not going to go to the expense of redrilling all my 0 pitch balls so if you want I  can PM you at a later date to see if there is a bigger callus growth in the 0 pitch vs 3/16 pitch.  Of course if you find any cures please let me know.


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Re: Callus on thumb
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 10:08:06 PM »
The following about callusses is from the BR Unofficial FAQ and may be of some use:
Causes Of Calluses  Courtesy of Motiv Girl posted 1/3/2010.

These tips are from coach Bill Hall and Jayhawk Bowling.

Making changes such as adding wrist devices or other types of gloves can have a
great affect on how your hand fits into the bowling ball.
Also making adjustments to your physical game can have a great affect on how your hand holds onto or releases the bowling ball.
It is your responsibility to make sure your ball driller is aware of the
changes you are trying to make in your game.

1.  Callus on back of the thumb. This is a great indicator that you are  knuckling the ball and holding the ball more with the thumb than you are  with the fingers. You either have too much reverse in the thumb,  causing you to squeeze it with the thumb, or it could be that you are  out of rhythm. It can also mean your span is too long.

2. Burn  mark on tip of the nail of the thumb which may turn black after a while.  This means you have too little reverse or a span that is too long. It  is also a sign you are hitting up on the ball at the release point.

3.  Calluses on both sides of the thumb.  This is usually not a grip  problem but more of a sign that you are turning the ball early at the  bottom of the swing and probably turning the ball more with the thumb  than you are with the fingers.

4. If you have callus buildup on  the inside part of the thumb, it only means that you are coming over the  top of the ball, which is usually caused by wrapping the ball behind  your back during the swing.

5. A burn mark on the front side of  the tip of the thumb, that often turns brown. This is a sign that you  have too little reverse in the thumb, too long of a span, or are having  your swing wrap around behind your back. It can also mean that you are  trying to grab the ball at the point of release in an effort to try to  put more revolutions on the ball than your physical game is set up to  deliver. This is common with bowlers who wear wrist devices.

6.  Callus on the front side of the thumb at the base and another on the  outside edge of the thumb. Now this is just slight wear from constant  repetitions of the ball coming of the thumb, and not any large callus,  or blister, or burn mark, or black mark. That is all it is nothing more.

1.  Calluses on both sides of the fingers. This is usually a sign of a  couple of different things, one being that the finger holes are way too  tight. When this happens it causes the skin to spread out and touch the  side walls of the holes causing the skin to be irritated. At first there  are blisters, soon followed by callus buildup.
The second thing that  usually causes these calluses to appear is when a bowler comes over the  top (over-turning) at the point of release.

2. Callus buildup on  the inside part of the fingers. This is a very common sign that a  bowler is turning the hand too early and then trying to correct it at  the point of release by trying to turn the hand back behind the ball as  the release is completed.

3. Callus buildup on the outside part  of the fingers. This is a rare on to see and usually not a flaw in the  physical game but a flaw in the grip having too little side pitch.

4.  Burn mark on the nails of the fingertips. This is very common sign when  the grip is too long or the pitches are tucked too far under and do not  accommodate the flexibility or lack of flexibility of this part of the  hand.

5. Moving to the front side of the pads of the fingers.  Callus buildup is at the tips of the fingers and not centered on the  pads of the fingers. This is without a doubt a span is way too long. It  is something you see a lot with bowlers that are trying to get more revs  on the ball. Of course, it doesn''t work
out that way and just causes these bowlers to hit up on the ball at the point of release and to get out of the ball late.

6.  If the callus is in the center of the finger tip pad. There is nothing  wrong with this type of callus as long as it isn''t overly thick (just  normal wear).
If the center of the pad callus turns into a burn mark  or brown mark, it is mostly caused by hitting up on the ball at the  point of release or having the fingers pitched too far under, causing  them to drag as they exit the finger holes.

Whatever you do, do  not just leave it up to the ball driller to keep track of where your  grip started and the changes that you have made along the way. Request a  copy of each of your drill sheets and keep them in order by dating them  so that you know what changes were made and when.
The hand is a  complex part of the body and many times it just takes small adjustments  with the fit to be able to have a comfortable feel, so be sure to  discuss them with your ball driller to help solve some of the problems.

The previous tips are from coach Bill Hall.

Normal Other Than Excessive Callusing.
From Jayhawk Bowling.

Fitting Tips

Getting  just the right fit is the most important aspect of running a pro shop.  If a ball does not feel right, the bowler will not relax his hand in the  ball and will not be able to roll it properly.

Diagnosing  problems with balls that a customer brings to you is an important aspect  of making a customer feel confident in your ability to drill his new  equipment and possibly gain you a new customer for life!! Here are some  tips for checking a bowlers hand and calluses:

The Importance of Checking the Bowlers Hand:
Any  bowler who bowls too little, or too much, is bound to have problems  with his or her bowling hand. The infrequent bowler does not give the  hand a chance to become accustomed to the friction caused by the ball  leaving the hand.

No matter how good the fit, there must be some  degree of pressure on the fingers and thumb. If the bowler does not bowl  often enough, blisters may form at the spots of contact. These usually  are minor and develop when the occasional bowler bowls too many games in  one session.

Normal Callus:
An average bowler will form a  callus - a hard, thickened area on the skin - wherever the fingers and  thumb have contact with the ball. It is formed because of the weight  bearing of the ball on certain parts of the hand. This may be good for a  bowler.

Pathological Callus:
Excess pressure, an ill-fitting  ball, and improper use of a properly fitted ball may cause what is known  as a pathological callus. This is one to worry about because it is  painful and greatly hinders a bowler. The pathological callus is a hard  mass of skin surrounded by an inflamed rim and it may have a deep  central core like a corn. These areas do not stretch when the thumb or  finger are flexed. The result is a burning sensation.



Need bowling information? - Please check this:  BR FAQ
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Re: Callus on thumb
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 07:09:04 AM »
 I have a clean release but still had some callus buildup on the edge and base of my thumb. Rather than have a rhumb looking much like a snake head, I tape my entire thumb with yellow vise tape. Solves problem and gives me consistent feel.

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Re: Callus on thumb
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2011, 09:14:47 AM »
Sometimes blisters are something simple as not working the thumb hole out.  I have a saying"drill bits are round and thumbs are not".  You can look at pitches but start with the simple things first.  The normal action is to put your hand in the ball and let it hang without moving down by your side.  Feel the pressure on your thumb.   Where you feel pressure on the thumb 95% of the time the problem is opposite of there.   Work out that area with some screen slowly.

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Re: Callus on thumb
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 12:26:49 PM »
I battled with this for a few years and just sucked it up. After getting fed up with it due to limiting my practice, I decided to finally do something about it. I had developed a love/hate relationship with bowling because of this.
The first thing I did was stop grabbing the ball in the swing. After relaxing my grip, I did see some improvement but it was 10-20% at best. I was still callusing up and it was very painful to bowl. It felt like someone was holding a lighter to it after I got done. It hurt the first 3-5 shots and then it was tolerable (God forbid a lane went down for maintenance).
On the plus side, my release was much better.
After speaking to my driller, we decided to pitch in the direction away from the callus (same spot as you, inside part of the thumb at the knuckle).
I was 1/8th right lateral and we moved a total of 1/4" by going 1/8th lateral left.
It's all but gone now. I threw 11 games by myself the next day in a 2 hour span. I went from bowling 3-5 games a week to 20-30. No pain whatsoever. I still callus a little bit, but that's expected. I just sand it down with sandpaper after I get out of the shower.

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Edited by se7en on 5/6/2011 at 12:29 PM