Contrary to bones belief, flinging doesn't work everywhere. I have been bowling for 3 years in a house where this just isn't possible. The problem was it took me 3 years to figure it out. I have always been a tweener that preferred to play 17 at the arrows out to 7 or 8. While this shot works, it opens up no area for me and makes it extremly easy for me to push it through the breakpoint. I miss outside, no recovery. I miss inside, dive through the nose and maybe even brooklyn (at least early in the night...late in night its just dead through the center of the headpin). While I had been averaging OK in one league at 192 with 600s in 4 or 5 weeks in a row, that was because I make a lot of spares and throw a double here or there. None of those 600s were above 625.
I am now convinced stroking the ball like a girl up the boards is the only way to go. The last 3 sets out there have been 660 640 and 660 and I am now up to 199. With the 2nd game transistion killing me every time. Right now, I am using my weak Time Zone standing 16 and going straight up 6. This line kills the pins, and seems to anywhere else I have bowled (even on "wall" shots). It opens me up a board or two more of area (so I have 2 or 3 on a good night now!), and doesn't leave near as many corners, unless I get a bit fast.
So flinging isnt for everyone everywhere. Even with todays crazy easy oil patterns, there are still centers that are not giving in, and truly rely on consistancy of release and speed for you to score well. anyone agree with me?