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Author Topic: Bowling with Urethane or Plastic in League (SandBagging?)  (Read 17692 times)

trash heap

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Bowling with Urethane or Plastic in League (SandBagging?)
« on: January 17, 2017, 09:14:13 AM »
Just curious,

If someone was to use a Urethane or Plastic Ball in League for some games and other games choose to use Reactive. By USBC this Sandbagging?

I see nothing in the rule about using different bowling balls.

I don't think this person could be called on it.

Talkin' Trash!


Gene J Kanak

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Re: Bowling with Urethane or Plastic in League (SandBagging?)
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2017, 08:29:21 AM »
Carrydown from plastic or urethane will impact your down lane breakpoint but I have never seen it become an issue on the pin decks unless they are going days without stripping

There are two things that I'm curious about in regard to your assertion.

1) If 1 person out of 8-10 on a pair is using plastic/urethane, how much oil is that 1 bowler pushing around? With that, we've seen during the PBA blue-oil telecasts that the heads get destroyed really quickly with the resin stuff. So, again, does one person using plastic/urethane really move that much oil down the lane?

2) Do today's more modern urethanes push the oil down in the same fashion as the old school ones? I use a Natural Pearl and a Black Hammer urethane (the new one) quite a bit, and I don't think I ever notice the breakpoint getting softer as the night goes along (to indicate oil being pushed down the lane). I'm just wondering if the newer ones with the higher-flaring cores impact oil the same way they used to.

To be clear, I'm not disagreeing with your statement on either point; I legitimately am curious and would like to know the answers.


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Re: Bowling with Urethane or Plastic in League (SandBagging?)
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2017, 11:22:13 AM »
Good questions on carrydown.  First, just my own opinion based on experience, I don't think one bowler on a pair using urethane promotes much carrydown.  I say this talking mainly about house shots.  There is little or no oil outside 10 board to begin with, thus not much oil to carrydown.  To the extent there is carrydown on a house shot it helps me if I am willing to not fight it, but rather use the mid lane hold area that is being set up, assuming there is any.  Also, to the extent there is carrydown, the urethane balls themselves will be most susceptible to it.  A big advantage of resin from the day one it was first introduced was its ability to cut through carrydown way more effectively than urethane. 

I have an experience from 25 years ago when the resin ball was brand new and most
 everyone was still throwing urethane.  I was bowling a step ladder rolloff in a big money singles league and had just purchased an excaliber.  We were bowling on a fresh pattern, and when I went to start practicing, waiting for my match, I started with my blue hammer playing about 7 board.  Within 5 shots I went from flush strikes to flat 10's then to buckets and washouts while trying to move right to no avail.   I got my excaliber out, and immediately went right back to 7 board getting a good reaction to the pocket.  I then watched a series of matches where nobody but a lefty could crack 160.   I took my excaliber into the championship match and won a close  game with a low 200.  Doubt if I could have cracked 180 with the urethane

As to the second question, I don't think there is much difference between the modern urethane and the old urethane, except that we routinely screened the old balls down to less than 600 grit.  In addition the oil patterns were much shorter and the oil was lower viscosity then, making comparisons difficult.   


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Re: Bowling with Urethane or Plastic in League (SandBagging?)
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2017, 11:44:06 AM »
I don't think it makes you a Sandbagger. Personally, I haven't bowled in over two years, and I plan on throwing my storm natural in a practice league this summer so I can see how bad I'm throwing it and make improvements. Even though I know my average will increase once I start throwing something reactive, my goal is get to the ball to start coming off my hand again consistently. ;D

I think something lost in all of this is how bowlers work on their game today compared to how they did in the past.  I can only speak from my experience of watching my father bowl and what I have encountered.  But today's league bowler seems to want to use league sessions as practice sessions.  And the above statement is an example of that.

In the past, working on one's game came during practice sessions or pot games.  Maybe I was ignorant to what was going on, but I don't remember handicap being a big deal like it is today.  I remember being at the center till dawn on the weekends with my dad bowling pot games the whole time.  He would even practice at times by himself.  He wouldn't have used league as practice since there was always side action going on.  It was what paid the bills for much of my youth.

But today's bowler doesn't bowl pot games.  Today's bowler doesn't practice.  Today's bowler goes to league and goes to tournaments and yet still wants to work on their game.  So they justify their not scoring well on purpose as "practice" and this is wrong.  If I hear another person say they don't sandbag because they tried to score as high as possible, yet fail to mention they only took urethane with them, I might puke.

And for all those people complaining about lack of members, the above is an example of a big reason.  Bowlers used to bowl multiple leagues and practice.  Now they only bowl one or two leagues.  Don't have time for practice or other leagues.  Yet not having time for bowling isn't a reason for those quitting all together......


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Re: Bowling with Urethane or Plastic in League (SandBagging?)
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2017, 02:06:31 PM »
I am a new bowler in my first sanctioned league and my average is 130 and I have people come up to me asking me to be on there team for the summer tour. I don't know what the summer tour is yet but I feel like people are trying to use me because of my average and they know that I am new and not sandbagging and I use a urethane ball. just my $0.02.
My Weapons for WAR: 15LBS. Hammer Black Widow Gold, Storm IQ Tour, Storm Timeless, Storm Drive, Hammer Black Urethane, Hammer Gauntlet.  Gold Widow Spare


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Re: Bowling with Urethane or Plastic in League (SandBagging?)
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2017, 03:13:27 PM »
Going back 40 years the biggest difference is money.  In the early 70s there wasnt enough money in handicap leagues to justify sandbagging.  Today there are bigger money leagues with caps and people are constantly manipulating to get under the cap.   Also constantly on the lookout for new bowlers with lots of upside.