
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Neptune66 on January 23, 2009, 04:05:47 AM

Title: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 23, 2009, 04:05:47 AM
I have a minor infection on my middle finger next to the nail and it's very tender.
Thought I would still be able to bowl with minimal pain as it's on side of the finger that does not lift the ball, but it hurts when releasing the ball. I don't use inserts, so last night, I bowled the last two games with only my thumb and ring finger in the ball.

I was actually reasonably accurate, but it I'm a speed dominant player as it is (not many revs) and leaving the middle finger out of the ball really flattened out the a bad way. Was like throwing plastic.  Was in or near the pocket ---when I could get some movement out of the ball--- but it was hitting very flat and leaving all sorts of 4's and 8's (am right-handed) and splits.

Maybe by tomorrow I'll be able to use my finger, but in case not, I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried bowling with just one finger and the thumb, and/or if there's some way to get more revs on the ball despite the literal lack of fingers.

Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Joe Jr on January 23, 2009, 12:14:49 PM
Your middle finger is creates the rotation, so i'm surprised you weren't throwing a knuckle ball down the lane. Just take a week or two off and let your finger heal.
My Vid (http://"¤t=08.flv")
Columbia bowls the world over
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: gsback on January 23, 2009, 12:19:06 PM
You won't get a lot of turn on the ball, but try throwing your normal shot....or as close as you can....with your ring and pinky in there instead.  I do this to flatten the ball out better for 10 pins....but when the lanes are dry, I will throw this way to deal with bad ball selection on my part.
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!!  

g thing is back....with a vengeance!! - Accept no substitute for the very best there is!!
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 23, 2009, 12:51:08 PM
I don't know about "saluting" the other team, but I had no trouble at all making the usual gestures toward the pins when they stood there mocking me.


As for throwing a knuckleball, it's funny. That pretty much describes the reaction. It would sometimes make a little movement just before hitting the pins (usually veering off target), but was essentially a straight ball all the way down.

As for letting it heal... tomorrow is not league, but is what I refer to as "competitive practice". It's very important to me to compete with my bowling buddies, and there are no teams and no one else will be affected. But I don't want to mess up the finger so bad that it doesn't heal before Tuesday's league, so I figured I'd experiment with the odd delivery (there's no discomfort as long as I leave that finger outside the ball hole) rather than abstain.

At least I'll be able to flatten out the ball the next time I find myself bowling on lanes that are toast ---without changing to a less aggressive ball.

As for putting my ring and pinky fingers in the ball, not sure how that will work regarding the span, but may give it a try. And I might.... decide to do the smart thing and just rest until Tuesday. But.... not likely.

Meanwhile.... it's back to soaking the damaged finger in hot water and hoping for a miracle recovery in the next 24 hours.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Buzzhead on January 23, 2009, 01:45:04 PM
good way to injure yourself. fingers are way too important not to let heal...

You would look pretty funny trying to pick your nose with your toes..... LOL...

Take a few weeks off and let it HEAL!!

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Moon57 on January 23, 2009, 02:34:35 PM
Quick question. Do you use a ball spinner? The reason I ask is I started to get the same infections on the side of my nail. At first I thought it was the rosin but that wasn't it. Then I thought maybe the abralon pads had some bacteria on them. Bingo! Once I started wearing latex gloves when using the spinner no more infections. When I had the infections I would flip the middle finger insert around so the back was in the front and stick just the tip of my index finger in. Not having inserts I don't know if you could use your index. It doesn't take much to stabilize the ball.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 23, 2009, 02:53:55 PM
No ball spinner, and I don't think I can blame the infection on bowling or bowling equipment (except maybe for making it worse). A few days ago, I accidentally sheered off a piece of the nail reaching into my pocket, and although I smoothed it out with a nail clippers, it left a small corner unprotected by a nail (or "nail-less"?).

Anyway... although quite disappointed I picked up the infection, I can't say that I was surprised with a piece of the nail missing. I wonder, though.....if I had used latex gloves once the nail was damaged, if it might have prevented the infection .... presuming I could still get my fingers in the holes with them on.

Thank you for suggesting the index finger. Not sure it will be comfortable, but my index finger is smaller than the middle [problem] one, so it might work.  There's the span issue again, but worth a shot.

I do still have one ball with grips/inserts in it too (I converted to no inserts about 18 months ago, but left that one alone). The hole is bigger, so it might work.

I do appreciate all the suggestions and comments. Even the ones telling me to rest it (except I probably won't listen to those).

Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: supersid802 on January 23, 2009, 03:17:17 PM
all you have to do is get some fingernail clippers, clip the skin down, and soak the infected finger in salt water or alcohol. this will get the infection out of there in about an hour...i always had this problem being that i bowled and worked with my hands in dish water a lot.
-------------------- amazing.......
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Kid Jete on January 23, 2009, 03:20:46 PM
Just use your ring and pinky... you'll still get some reaction out of the ball that way.  I have done it messing around before and it wasn't horribly different for me.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 23, 2009, 04:18:19 PM
I have been soaking it in plain hot water, but it doesn't stay hot for long.

Does the salt or alcohol make it less necessary to change the water every so often? An hour would be great!  I would settle for tomorrow morning even.

Also... I found two balls that still have grips in them (out of about 18), and I can swing them comfortably by only putting my fingers part way in.  So I'm going to do some soaking tonight and bring one of those two balls for insurance, and I should be ok one way or another.

I think....
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 23, 2009, 04:20:18 PM
I'm going to try the ring and pinky method too.  Seems like I should be able to get some rotation on the ball that way---depending on what kind of span that grip produces.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Kid Jete on January 23, 2009, 04:31:50 PM
I'm going to try the ring and pinky method too.  Seems like I should be able to get some rotation on the ball that way---depending on what kind of span that grip produces.

The span should be fine... The pink is the farthest finger from the thumb so that makes up for it being shorter than your ring.  The only issue might be the grip sizes but I would much rather deal with that than put the entire weight of the ball on one finger.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: echidapus on January 23, 2009, 08:31:26 PM
I have been bowling the entire month without my middle finger.  The first week back after christmas/new years break, the ball slipped from my hand twice and my middle finger joint is swollen and hurts and can't fit in the ball.  Since then I have bowled
298 (tonight)

Should I use my middle finger ever again?   I can't wait til I can use it.   I will be a cranker then

ps. also the first night back my thumb got chewed up and bleeds every time I bowl and hurts like a b**ch
High game 300
High series 804
High triplicate 774
High average 221
best game. when I was 6 I bowled a 158
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: DukeHarding on January 23, 2009, 09:06:52 PM
In a pinch you can use super glue on your finger.
If it's really infected (w/pus), I wouldn't do it.
But if it's red and painful super glue will kill the skin and the infection.
I would recommend letting it heal naturally....
Duke Harding
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: normy on January 23, 2009, 09:46:56 PM
My cousin actually takes his middle finger out of the ball to shoot at the 10 pin.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 24, 2009, 08:57:10 AM
Not sure I understand about the super glue remedy. Maybe works like Nu-Skin or Skin Protector, but a tougher layer of protection?  

But this wasn't as much a skin issue as pus (or whatever you'd call it) under the skin. Was the pressure that was causing the pain. I've bowled with bleeding fingers and thumb and even bowled pretty darn good too. This pain, for some reason, I found much more distracting, and threw me completely off my game.'s still tender today, but nowhere near as bad as it was Thursday night.

Edited on 1/24/2009 10:01 AM
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: nd300 on January 24, 2009, 02:34:47 PM
Fingers and toes are very "blood rich" because of the huge amount of nerve endings located there for use in sensing things. Be careful of boweling while infected.The extra stress you put on the fingers can possibly cause the infection to get into the protective sheath around the tendons that the fingers use for function.That could be very problematic.
 Watch for red streaks traveling down your finger and redness extending past the immediate area that's already infected.That's the sign that the infection has gotten into said sheath.
 That calls for an immediate trip to the doctor for treatment.Be careful,please.While it's good to keep using it,you could cause permanent damage.
 The alcohol or salt water can help get rid of the infection.Epsom salts (available at any drug store)are another good agent to use with the hot water.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 25, 2009, 07:56:46 AM
Ummm...actually that's what I see today.

It's red and shiny from the cuticle about halfway to the joint.

I'm not bowling again till tuesday, and just going to soak it as much as possible.  Would taking advil round the clock help at all?

Edited on 1/25/2009 8:57 AM
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 25, 2009, 08:20:44 AM
Actually----- not to alarm anyone (including myself!!!) it's not a bright or deep red color. More pinkish red, which I've always thought was a good sign. But it is extending a little farther back from the nail/cuticle than it was the day before.

The degree of swelling and pain have lessened, though. It's just that the overall area affected has expanded some.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: leftyinsnellville on January 25, 2009, 08:43:56 AM
Soaking in alcohol or saltwater is fine, thouugh it usually stings like a motherhumper...especially the alcohol.  Don't use hydrogen peroxide on anything but a new eats healing skin away and it'll take longer to heal.

I used superglue on a freshly smashed ring finger to glue a flap of skin back down and bowled fine.  It also stings like heck when applied, but really holds up well.  Right after applying the glue you might try patting it with some easy-slide.  It will have a very smooth overall texture that lessens friction a little on release so it won't be quite as painful.


( o )( o )

Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: nd300 on January 25, 2009, 09:00:52 AM
 If it's increased "some",I'd respectfully suggest a trip to a walk-in clinic just to make sure there's nothing going on that would warrant the doctor having to lance the area,drain the pus,and you end up missing work depending on how much manual dexterity you need in your line of work.
 Better safe than sorry when it comes to something like that. I'm a former 20 plus year EMT and E.R. staff worker.To keep it short and simple,I got burned out after that long at it,which is why I'm not doing that anymore.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: 1MechEng on January 25, 2009, 11:38:30 AM
I have really dry skin, and I get infections along the side of the nail occasionally. I will take a sterilized needle and push it into the infected area. (It hurts a bit, but the benefit is worth it!). I push out the pus, then slather a band aid with triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin or similar) and apply to the affected area.
Keep it covered for a day or two like this. You will heal quickly.
Hope this helps!
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 25, 2009, 11:59:22 AM
Going to give it till tomorrow before involving doctors.

As for puncturing with a needle. I have done that sometimes in the past, with some success, but usually more tempted to break the skin with a needle when the area with the pus is more pronounced. In those cases, the motivation and expectation of seeing the pus released (and the pressure and pain along with it) is stronger than my reluctance to feel the pain of the pin.

At this point, I think I waited too long maybe. Thursday, the inflamed area was much worse, but also easier to isolate.  Today, though, it's diminished and spread out some and it's actually less obvious where to poke it. So, would take a pretty strong penetration with pin (I think) to open it up.

I think i'll wait and see what it looks like tomorrow .... after more soaking today... and then decide what to do.

Course...part of the reason I dont soak it as much as I should is cause I am always bowling or typing at a keyboard.

Regardless... I do appreciate the suggestions and am listening. Just undecided at the moment.

Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: echidapus on January 25, 2009, 12:53:20 PM
cut it off and become a lefty

Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 26, 2009, 09:41:58 PM
I know you're mainly kidding, but actually I have experimented with throwing lefty. Mostly in the summertime, when it's much easier to get a lane, I practice bowling lefty with a 14 lb ball I had drilled special for that hand (I use mostly 16's and a few 15's righty).

The idea was/is to some day be competitive enough to bowl lefty occasionally to give my right arm a rest, or in an "emergency" situation. Unfortunately, though improving, I'm only averaging around 100-110 so far (vs 200 right-handed).

Anyway... my middle finger is 90% healed tonight (just a tad of pinkish/shiny inflamed area, and virtually no pain --- feels like a light bruise). fairly confident I'll be able to bowl with normal delivery Tuesday night.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 29, 2009, 11:01:04 PM
Just updating.  Infection subsided enough so I was able to bowl with minimal pain Tuesday night.  

Unfortunately, after struggling the 1st game (still anticipating strong pain) and improving and throwing a reasonably good game in the 2nd game, the wheels came off in the 3rd one. Good news was it had more to do with having lost my confidence that I could throw with normal speed and revs (for me) than any actual physical limitation.

Wednesday night I was just bad. Maybe a little hesitation to let it fly, but mostly just bad bowling. Then tonight came around and I finally was delivering as solid a shot as I have since 2009 began.

So.... until the next injury...I'm good.

Down the line, I'm still going to do some experimentation (during practice---not league) without the middle finger in the ball, so I'm ready for next time----if there is one--- and I'll also have a way of dampening the ball's reaction on purpose, if I find myself on dry lanes and don't want to switch balls.

Anyway...thanks to everyone for their input a few days ago.

Edited on 1/30/2009 0:02 AM
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Nbgiant25 on January 30, 2009, 06:17:18 AM
Your middle finger is creates the rotation, so i'm surprised you weren't throwing a knuckle ball down the lane. Just take a week or two off and let your finger heal.
My Vid (http://"¤t=08.flv")
Columbia bowls the world over

I'll concur with this recommendation.  I just found out last night that I have a severe compound sprain in my bowling thumb, which probably wasn't helped by the fact that I tried to bowl the last couple of days on it.  Unfortunately, I have to miss our collegiate conference championship tournament because of it, but I'm taking the time off for it to heal fully so that I can return for the Hoosier in 3 weeks.  Just relax for a bit so that you can come back and fully enjoy bowling when you are healed.
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on January 30, 2009, 07:47:04 AM
Converted all but two of my bowling balls to no-inserts about a year and a half ago. Hopefully, the finger problem is behind me, but if I need to, I can use one of the balls with the inserts (a Storm El-Nino X-it and a Brunswick Black Diamond).
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: isner baby on January 30, 2009, 09:54:57 PM
i actually was practicing the other night and i ripped the skin off the side of my middle finger in the first frame of my game. so i bowled the rest of the game without my middle finger and i actually liked it.. i bowl the ball kinda funny like my release is off and i can feel it.. sometimes it feels good but once i started bowling without my middle finger in it felt good on my release and i actually didnt bowl horrible for it being my first time bowling like that.. i bowled a 212.. left after that
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on February 01, 2009, 03:50:15 PM
None of the balls I used had any additional holes in them.

So... I was ok? (as it turned out, my scores were terrible and we lost the games anyway, but still curious.)
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: echidapus on February 01, 2009, 05:34:26 PM
i don't see anybody bothering to point out that if you're using equipment with X-holes, not using your ring finger would violate USBC rules and would be cause for forfeiting your points and scores.
USBC rules allow for only one X-hole per ball, and define any hole not used for gripping as an X-hole. if you're not using any equipment with X-holes, you're fine, but if you are, you're in violation of USBC rules by not using middle finger.


If you aren't using your middle finger, BUT it is covering the finger hole, I do believe you are allowed to have the extra hole.  If your middle finger isn't covering the hole, than it would be in violation.

High game 300
High series 804
High triplicate 774
High average 221
best game. when I was 6 I bowled a 158

I have a 16# morich awesome finish I want to trade.  1 season on it.    I am looking for 15# stuff
Title: Re: bowling without middle finger (temporarily)
Post by: Neptune66 on February 01, 2009, 06:49:10 PM
If I'm understanding correctly, "X" holes are the same as Weight Block holes, and since none of the balls I used have them, would have been legal on that basis.

The rule about the finger needing to be over the hole is interesting. I can't imagine where else I would have put my finger, so of course it was over the hole.  Maybe the rule is just worded that way because no one would put a weight block hole in that location, and the true intent is to limit the number of weight block holes?

Maybe it's just semantics, but I always thought (just on hearsay...not from actually reading the rules) that the number of holes a ball was alowed to have was regulated. Not hoe many of those holes were being used. In other words, it would be one thing if I had a ball drilled with no middle finger hole. But on the other hand... if I chose to deliver the ball by palming it, using none of the holes in the ball, would that be illegal?  

Not that I would ever want to or be able to do that. Just seems that policing where a bowler places his fingers on or in the ball, would be very hard to enforce. Regulating the number of holes, however, is very cut and dry.

Just thinking out loud. Feel free to correct me if I'm looking at this all wrong.